In this type of boundary, plates are moving towards each other.
convergent plate boundaries
In this type of plate boundary, plates are moving apart
divergent plate boundaries
What is the thinnest part of the earth?
the crust
In this type of boundary, plates slide against each other
transform plate boundaries
What is the name of the theory that states the earth's crust is made of large sections moving over the mantle.
Plate Tectonics
Where do tectonic plates interact?
What evidence supports the theory of continental drift? Name 4.
Evidence that supported his theory and helped other scientists accept it pertained to rock formations, rock strata, coastline and shapes of continents, climate formations, and most importantly plant and animal fossil evidence.
What is sea floor spreading?
Compare a shield and composit volcanos.
Why does oceanic crust subduct beneath continental crust?
Oceanic crust is more dense.
What is the theory of continental drift and who created it?
The continental drift hypothesis was developed in the early part of the 20th century, mostly by Alfred Wegener. Wegener said that continents move around on Earth's surface and that they were once joined together as a single supercontinent.
Where do convection currents occurs?
the mantle
What causes the plates to move?
convection currents in the mantle
What oozes out of the earth when plates diverge?
magma or lava once it erupts.
The biggest fault in California
the San Andreas Fault
Transform boundaries create this
What is shearing, compression, and tension?
Compression stress occurs when an object is squeezed or shortened, tension stress occurs when an object is stretched or lengthened, and shear stress occurs when an object is twisted or experiences forces that cause different parts of it to move in different directions or at different speeds.
cracks in the earth where plates slide against one another
a fault
When a plate slides under another
Name the two different types of crust
Oceanic and continental
A continental plate converging with a continental plate creates this
Which boundary does a reverse fault have?
Reverse faults often form along convergent plate boundaries.
What are the some of the largest mountains created be convergent plate boundaries?
the Himalayas
What do oceanic to continental convergent plate boundaries create?
Volcanoes on land and trenches in the ocean