What is the Service Console?
What is a lightening bolt?
What OKTA Tile do you use to start the tour?
What is Tour on your time?
This is the email address you use when there are Textline issues.
What is TextSupport@udr.com?
Residents can choose to log in with FaceID or Fingerprint
What is Biometrics?
The "brain" of your smart home system, used to communicate with your devices.
What is Smart Hub?
When you @ mention an associate in Sugar, the associate mentioned will receive this.
What is a notification.
A cool feature where you can send messages to co-workers with out the resident seeing the message.
What is a whisper (transfer)?
Tool created to help prospects while they are out on tour.
What is the SGT App?
We send questions to this email when we have a question about Sugar.
What is Operationssupport@udr.com?
Residents use this feature to report an issue or problem in the apartment.
What is a Service Request?
These are sent to warn us of potential water leaks, access code usage, batteries running low, etc.
What is a notification?
Three items in a subject line for a case.
What is the community name, apt.#, and description for the case?
Seeing only open text messages can be done by selecting this.
What is unresolved?
This is done to automatically generate the codes for the prospect.
What is Start the Tour?
This is where the Technology tab is located.
What is UDR Connect?
This is an ACH Payment Option.
What is echeck?
This person is responsible for changing batteries in a smart lock.
Who is the resident?
What is the eyeball icon?
You want to access textline from here.
What is Sugar?
We hand off this person to the prospect before they go out on tour.
Who is the tour guide or tour concierge?
This is the time of the Jeopardy Game tomorrow.
What is 1 Eastern/12 Central?
What is My Lease?
This is how we can access an apartment when the hub is offline.
What is create an emergency code in Smart Rent?
A task is worth this many points.
What is ten "10"?
Location of text correspondence with residents.
What is the resident account in Sugar?
The code prospects are given to access an apartment.
What is last 4 digits of their phone number?
This is how you should respond in a Jeopardy game.
What is a question?
This is where you could send a reminder to residents.
What is community announcements?
This is a step the onsite teams takes if a lease is not updating from OneSite to Smart Rent.
What is to sync?
Scheduling a move-out inspection is part of this journey.
What is a NTV Journey?
Once we respond to a message we want to do this?
What is resolving?
Prospects are asked to do this when they complete their tour.
What is checkout?
This is where a resident could review their account history.
What is make a payment?
These are three things you can control with your Smart Home App.
What is lock, thermostat, and lighting?
This is the symbol used to find a template.
What is the percent (%) sign?
The reason we want to resolve a message.
What is to have accurate response times and metric's?
Prospects are told to push this symbol after typing in the 4 digit code into the Smart Lock.
What is a check mark?
This is where residents need to go to check on open work orders/service requests.
What is the service request button/tab?
This device will tell you when a water leak is detected.
What is a leak sensor?
What is the comment box?
This symbol is used when you want to send a whisper to your teammate.
What is an @ symbol or At Sign?
The amount of time a prospect has to tour an apt. before their code expires?
What is 1 hour or when a prospect checks-out?
This is the contact email for Smart Rent support.
What is support@smartrent.com?
This is how long a task will stay open before they auto close.
What is until it is completed?
This is where an after hours message, with emergency maintenance information, is created.
What is an automation?
This is the contact for the SGT App and Clipboard.
What is OperationsSupport@udr.com?
To issue a temporary code for a SGT, press this button on the dashboard.
What is New Guest Access?
You can send a bulk message by selecting this tab.
What is announcements under messaging tools?
This visual can provide a peace of mind for the prospect, to know they are at the right apartment.
What is This is the One door hanger.
What is typing in your 4 digit code?
New Cases, open cases, and move-in are some of the categories in this widget.
What is community resident recent activity?
You can send a message in the future by doing this.
What is scheduled messages?
A smart rent package includes at least 3 of these devices.
What is smart lock, smart leak sensor, smart dimmer, smart plugs?
To see all bulk emails sent, you need to go here.
What is a community campaign?