What Causes a Pulmonary embolism
A blockage of the pulmonary artery by a clot or other foreign material
What is Pneumonia?
It is an infection that inflames both the air way and lungs.
What is Acute pulmonary Edema?
When fluid quickly fills the lungs, making it hard to breathe
What is the E and A stand for in EMCAP?
Environment and Assistance
What is the S the in OPQRST stand for?
It flows from what side of the heart to and into which artery?
Right side of the heart and into the pulmonary artery?
How does Pneumonia occur?
Occurs when the break down of the body natural defence system allows germ to invade.
Why does Acute Pulmonary Embolism happen
because the heart isn’t working properly, causing pressure to build up in the lungs. When this pressure gets too high, fluid leaks into the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs, making it difficult for the body to get enough oxygen
Why would you stop your Primary assessment ?
if the Patient becomes critical or if paramedics show up
what is the correct order of a secondary assessment
SAMPLE and OPQRST ( only use OPQRST if the paient presents pain )
Signs and Symptoms?
• Shortness of breath.
• Coughing.
• Pain.
• Fainting (syncope).
• A sudden reduction in blood pressure
• Cool, clammy skin.
• Rapid pulse (tachycardia).
• Fever.
• Distended neck vein
Signes and Symtons ?
chest pain when you cough
confession ( mainly in people that are 65 or older )
lower body temp
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Signs and symptoms?
Severe shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up pink, foamy mucus, sweating, and feeling like you’re drowning—especially when lying down.
What body evealtuion is commonly mistaken for each other
Neck to knees and Head to Toe
What is Sp02 mean?
Pules Oximetry
P.E is a common disorder that usually begins as .....?
Venous disease
What age group is at higher risk for Pneumonia?
children 2 and under
people that are 65 and older
what can a doctor give to help aid with a condition like this?
Doctors usually give
oxygen to help breathing,
diuretics (water pills) to remove extra fluid,
and medications to take pressure off the heart.
What is the order of Primary assessment?
when checking the pelvic area, what are you looking for?
CLAPS (looking for)
TICS (feeling for )
If you suspect a patient has a pulmonary
embolism, have them...?
Rest in a comfortable position and call 911
What is the word for bacteria in the bloodstream as well as fluid around the lungs?
Bacteria in the bloodstream is called Bacteraemia
Fluid in the lung is called Pleural Effusion
What can you do to prevent Acute Pulmonary Embolism?
to take care of heart health, control blood pressure, and manage kidney problems.
Eating healthy, staying active, and avoiding too much salt can help lower the risk.
abdominal aortic aneurysm
preform a CSSM ( just use hands )