what did this study observe?
Chinese immigrant families and children in the United States
what continent did this take place?
how many measures were used to collect parent data?
What did the study find about Chinese immigrant parent's view on play vs. academic development
The study found that Chinese immigrant parents have different beliefs, some value play, while others focus on academic outcomes
This group of parents was specifically included in the focus of group discussion
Parents from head start programs
What was the goal of the study?
provide a deeper understanding of beliefs about children’s social-emotional development and the value of play
the ratio of child and caregiver
1 child = 1 caregiver
how much money did participants received?
This is the impact of cultural orientation on children's social development, according to the study
Bicultural parents have children who have better social interactions and school readiness
This was a limitation of the study sample in terms of diversity
Small sample size and not the rest of Chinese communities
What was hypothesized about higher levels of an American orientation?
relate to parents’ endorsement of the importance of play-related activities.
what was the highest form of education parents had?
education varied
What was the amount of identified common play?
This is why understanding cultural differences within Chinese immigrant families is important for education
Creating more effective education environments for Chinese immigrant families
What is the reason why the parents giving the self-report a bad thing
Parents can overstate the benefits of play
what was hypothesized about higher levels of a Chinese orientation
Link to less valuing of the importance of play-related activities.
what percentage of parents participated?
96% parents participated
How many different procedures were used?
This was a key concern for some Chinese parents about the benefits of play
The concern that play does not prepare children for academic challenges
The study did not include what reports
Teacher reports
What two questions did the study aim to answer?
Do Chinese immigrant parents’ play beliefs and their cultural orientation combine to form distinct profiles? Do these profiles then relate differentially to children’s peer play?
What was the age range of the children who participated?
Children's age
How many self-report measures were there?
The type of parent who typically provides a more balanced approach to play and academic activity
Bicultural parents
What can help in the future for better results
Have direct teacher assessment to validate parent report on kids