Name That Show
Red Cross
Free at Last Free at Last
It's a Bird! It's a Plane!
I Got it from My Mama

"They're creepy and they're kooky

Mysterious and spooky

They're all together ooky"

What is The Addams Family?


This European nation's flag consists of a white cross with a red background (not to be confused with the red cross's flag).

What is Switzerland?


Shoppers may attend a BOGO event, otherwise known as...

What is Buy One Get One?


This is shortened by its acronym U.F.O.

What is Unidentified Flying Object?


This mother is known most for miraculously giving birth to a son despite being a virgin.

Who is Mary, mother of Jesus?


"Whatever happened to predictability.

The milkman, the paperboy, evening tv?"

What is Full House?


Only 3% of people in the U.S. give this type of donation needed by the Red Cross.

What is blood?


The 16th president issued what on 1/1/1863 declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."

What is the Emancipation Proclamation? 


He reversed the Earth's spin by flying around it in order to turn back time.

Who is Superman?


This mother with yellow skin and tall blue hair has three children: Bart, Lisa and Maggie.

Who is Marge Simpson?


"Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came"

What is Cheers?


Based in Geneva, the ICRC operates worldwide helping people affected by conflict and violence. ICRC, of course, standing for...

What is International Committee of the Red Cross?


In the Harry Potter novels, a house elf must be given this by their master to become a 'free' elf.

What is any article of clothing?


This artificial satellite was first to break orbit on 10/4/1957.

What is Sputnik I?


She grew famous for humbly ministering to lepers, the homeless and the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta, India.

Who is Mother Teresa?


"If you have a problem, if no one else can help,

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire ............."

What is the A-Team?


Crowds of gawkers ignored New York's social-distance regulations and packed the west side of Manhattan to watch what arrive to give badly needed coronavirus aid.

What is a US Navy hospital ship? (just ship or boat is alright (: )


This man served 27 years in prison for conspiring to overthrow the state following the Rivonia Trial and was freed by President F. W. de Klerk in 1990.

Who is Nelson Mandela?


Not "First in Flight," this state is the "Birthplace of Aviation."

What is Ohio?


This mother had a pair of twins and a set of sextuplets which got her her own show on TLC.

Who is Kate Gosselin? (Jon & Kate + 8 is acceptable)


"People are represented by two separate yet equally important groups

The police that investigate crime, and the district attorneys that prosecute defenders."  

What is Law & Order?


During the war between Russia and Turkey, the Ottoman Empire use what red symbol on a white background because their authorities believed that the cross was offensive to Muslim soldiers.

What is a Red Crescent?


While the U.S.A. sits at #17, this island nation in the Southern Pacific is ranked #1 in Freedom according to the Human Freedom Index Report. 

What is New Zealand?


This American astronaut was the first man to step on the moon during the Apollo 12 mission in 1969.

Who is Charles "Pete" Conrad?


This man solved the Sphinx's riddle and received the throne of Thebes and, unfortunately for him, the hand of the widowed queen Jocasta. 

Who is Oedipus?
