Recess Games
Playworks Basics
Playworks Basics and Impact
Indoor Games
Pop Culture

This game involves 5 students on a four square with one in each corner and one in the middle

What is Switch


Known as Playwork's mission or motto, you'll often hear this when Playworkers are describing the organization. Will except small varieties on this answer

What is create safe and healthy play for all kids


This game is used as Playworks' number one conflict resolution skill

What is Rock, Paper, Scissors?


Typically played in a circle, players pass around an object while chanting. The person in the middle has their eyes closed.

What is Bob the Bunny


This song about a coffee drink, was stuck in everyone's head this summer

What is espresso?


A version of tag, this game is played with all students being "it" and involves a medical station

What is Bandaid Tag


In this year Playworks was founded by this person

What is 1996 and who is Jill Vialet


One of Playworks' main focuses is on creating more spaces for kids to play. That is, to make a more _____ environment.

What is inclusion?


Often said to have a silly name, this game involves hiding an object for the group to find

What is Huckle Buckle Beanstalk?


Arguably the song of the year, this song came out of a well known feud between two rappers

What is Not Like Us


A recess staple, this Playworks game involves hoops

What is three-line basketball


These are defined as Playworks Core Values

What are: cultivate play, center equity, continue learning, and collaborate within communities


The three GRF indicators

What are safety, engagement, and empowerment

In this game, partners play a mini game multiple times in a row with the goal of being the last one standing. It helps that everyone starts cheering you on.

What is Rock Paper Scissors Rockstar?


This person is the most decorate gymnast of all time

Who is Simone Biles


This game involved players pretending to be different animals while completing various tasks or obstacles

What is Animal Relay


Often called ______ these alliterative letters are used as a reminder when facilitating a game.

What are the Four P's


Playworks changed their name from Sports4Kids to Playworks in this year

What is 2009


Testing student reaction time, this game is played in a line and often refers to parts of a retro video-watching mechanism

What is My DVD Player


This person has become the mascot of the olympics

Who is Snoop Dogg


This game involves jump rope and tag to keep all players moving through the rope. There are two roles, one person chasing and the other fleeing, they must run in a figure eight and then get back in line

What is cat and mouse


By what year anniversary did Playworks boast that they served over 2 million kids through over 3,000 partnerships

What is the 25th anniversary?


From FYE24 annual survey data across Michigan, this % of educators agree that Playworks helps create opportunities for inclusion of diverse groups of students.

What is 97%

Can be played individually or as a group, this game involves dropping pieces of paper and trying to catch it.

What is Blizzard


This track star made waves in the NBA world when he said "world champions of what" when talking about how he would win in the upcoming world champions

Who is Noah Lyles
