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Hodge Podge
Term for proportion of patients with a disease who have a positive test.
What is sensitivity.
Schizophrenic patient started treatment with olanzapine. 5 days later he developed severe muscle rigidity, temperature 102F, urinary incontinence and AMS. What is the treatment?
What is Dantrolene
Weight loss medication also associated with forming kidney stones.
What is orlistat.
Patient with 4 tubular adenomas on colonoscopy. When should they have a repeat colonoscopy?
What is 3 years.
Patient complains of new onset joint pains and abdominal pains. On exam she has a palpable rash. They have microscopic hematuria. What is the diagnosis?
What is Henoch-Schonlein Purpura.
According to USPSTF, the age to start cervical cancer screening AND how often?
What is age 21 and every 3yrs or 5 yrs with HPV testing for those 30-65yo
HIV patient with severe dyspnea and cough. His CD4 count is 100. CXR shows bilateral infiltrates. His PaO2 is 60 and A-a gradient is 45. How should he be treated? (All medications required)
What is bactrim DS (TMP-SMX) and steroids.
Patient just started on coumadin develops necrotic eschar on their forearm. What possible underlying congenital disorder to they have?
What is protein C or S deficiency.
Patient is diagnosed with esophagitis. An ulcer biopsy shows multinucleated giant cells. What is the cause?
What is HSV.
Patient recently given antibiotic for cellulitis. Later found to have hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis after complaints of her heart pounding. What is the cause?
What is Bactrim (TMP-SMX).
33 yo pregnant female needing vaccinations. Which are contraindicated?
What is MMR and varicella/zoster. (live vaccinations)
45 yo playing softball was pitching when he was hit in the chest with the ball. He developed sudden cardiac death. What is this called.
What is Commotio cordis
VRE medication that is inhibited by surfactant. What should you monitor while on this medication. (This medication can increase this level)
What is CPK.
What are all 5 requirements for reynold's pentad?
What is jaundice, fever, abdominal pain, shock and AMS.
23 yo Patient with complaints of weakness. She was diagnosed with HTN last year. Workup shows hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. What is the syndrome AND what is key in diagnosing?
What is Liddle syndrome and urinary sodium <20.
Term for the rights of patients to make decisions about their medical care without influence by healthcare provider.
What is Patient autonomy.
23 yo depressed female fought with her boyfriend and went to a friends house. An hour later EMS was called. She was unresponsive with normal vital signs. She had severe respiratory depression. The friend found an empty bottle of anxiolytics. How would you treat her?
What is flumazenil.
Name 2 MOST common infectious cause of erythema multiforme.
What is HSV and mycoplasma species.
Patient visited the Philippines. She became acutely ill while there. She is not sure what she ate but believes it was pork. She developed RLQ pain with diarrhea. Later while home, she developed tender nodules on her shin. What is the cause?
What is Yersinia enterocolitica.
Patient camping in the Appalachian mountains 1 week ago. He states his first morning he found a tick. He now has myalgias and fever. He is found to have plts 70, WBC 3, and AST 400/ALT 300. What is the diagnosis AND treatment?
What is Erlichiosis and doxycycline.
Type of experimental design where patients receive one of two interventions with one often a placebo.
What is randomized controlled trial.
Patient with known G6PD was given dapsone for PCP. 1 day later he is admitted to ICU with gray cyanosis, AMS and severe acidosis pH 6.9. How would you treat this patient?
What is methylene blue.
What parasite is associated with increased brisk of bladder cancer?
What is schistosomiasis.
Syndrome associated with jaundice resulting from gallstone erosion through wall compressing common hepatic bile duct.
What is Mirizzi syndrome.
58 yo Patient presents to clinic with weakness and fatigue. They have had a fever at night for 1 month. They are found to have anemia. Smear shows cytoplasmic projections. What is the diagnosis?
What is Hairy Cell Leukemia.