A mutually agreed set of behaviors and expectations of a team.
What are norms?
Group of teachers working interdependently toward a common goal.
What is collaboration?
A shift from a focus on TEACHING to a focus on learning.
What is BIG idea #1?
Collaboration WILL IMPROVE student achievement.
What is BIG idea #2?
Focus on RESULTS
What is BIG idea #3?
Any assessment developed and scored by a group of teachers to assess the learning of a common group of students on a specific learning objective.
What is a common assessment?
Defines the purpose of the school and answers the question, "Why do we exist?"
What is a mission?
Agreed upon staff behaviors that will support the mission, vision, values, and goals of the building
What is a SMART goal?
What do we want the students to know and do?
What is Critical Question #1?
How will we know when they learned it?
What is Critical Question #2?
What will we do if they don't learn it?
What is Critical Question #3?
What will we do if they already know it?
What is Critical Question #4?
Defines the direction and answers the question, "What kind of school do we want to be?"
What is a vision statement?
A systematic process a school uses to support learning for students who demonstrate difficulty in mastering essential learning skills
What is RtI or MTSS?
The defined work of the collaborative team.
What are the Critical Questions/Answers?
Learning check which, when used properly, will give the teacher feedback to inform instruction and promote students learning.
What is a formative assessment?
An assessment given at the end of a learning cycle.
What is a summative assessment?
A set of shared core educational beliefs.
What are the Core Values?
Anything that a school does, above and beyond what all students receive; helps a child succeed in school.
What is an intervention?
Refers to a cyclical process in which all teams in a PLC stay focused on learning by clarifying essential student learnings, agreeing on common pacing and instruction, developing common formative assessments, and identifying and implementing improvement strategies.
What is the team learning process?
The problem of too much data that do nothing to inform practice because they are not presented relative to their context.
What is DRIP syndrome?
The disconnect between knowledge and action
What is the knowing-doing gap?
This refers to the quality of having acquired the skills, knowledge, and dispositions essential for success in the next unit, course, or grade level.
What is prerequisite knowledge or readiness for the next level of learning?
Learning standards that are focused on endurance, readiness, and/or leverage.
What are Power Standards?
The premise where leaders call upon members to engage in new work, achieve new standards and accomplish new goals has the responsibility to develop their capacity to be successful in meeting the challenges.
What is reciprocal accountability?