Bud's girlfriend pulls an apple from a tree and offers him a bite of the apple; subsequently, the TV repair man tells Bud that he is causing chaos and destruction and that this is not his "paradise."
What is an allusion to Adam and Eve.
This concept does not initially exist but is slowly introduced to both Jonas in The Giver and to the general members of society in Pleasantville.
What is color?
Neither of the societies has the same use for this position as our society does.
What is a fireman.
This incident occurs when "Bud" tells Skip that "Mary Sue" may not go on a date with him, and this serves as the first foreshadowing of a downward spiral in Pleasantville's environment.
In the beginning of Pleasantville, when David is watching the show on TV, he observes the TV mother and father having a supportive, gentle, and lighthearted conversation with their children; this is contrasted to David's mother [in the real society] arguing with her ex-husband on the phone about his not wanting to watch the kids when she goes out of town with her boyfriend.
What is juxtaposition.
This is the format in which citizens are given guidelines to follow.
What is "The Book of Rules" in The Giver and "The Code of Conduct" in Pleasantville.
Both societies do this with books.
What is burn them.
This is ironically many Pleasantville citizens' reactions to the changes in their society.
What is rioting.