In the start of the film a man shows up at the door moments after the tv remotes breaks.
What is foreshadow.
People are told to use certain grammar and talk a certain way.
What is precision of language or watch what you say.
Both societies do this to stop the spread of knowledge
What is burning books.
This happens when ¨skip¨ is driving home after being with ¨Mary Sue¨.
What is color starts to appear.
In the film it is shown that a group of people who feel superior are attempting to separate people based on their color.
What is an allusion to segregation of colored people in the 60s.
The feeling that people dont have and understand but soon get.
What is love and sexual feelings.
People begin to break free from the rules.
What is freedom
In the start of the film David tells his friend something.
What is nobody is homeless in Pleasantville.