What is the color of the Polar Bear's skin?
Sun does not set for a few weeks.
What happens to the sun in the summer?
It melts.
What happens to Arctic ice in the summer?
Toxic chemicals
What is showing up in the polar bear's food?
Up to 1,000 pounds.
How much can a male polar bear weigh?
Clear but it looks white.
What color is the polar bear's fur?
Shrubs, grasses and mosses.
What low growing plants are in the arctic?
Global warming
Why is the ice melting?
Seal's blubber
Where are the toxic chemicals in a seal found?
12 inches wide
How large is a polar bear's paw?
20 miles away.
How far can a polar bear smell a dead seal?
Below freezing temperatures, ice and snow.
What is the arctic like in the winter?
Pollution caused by people.
Why is the planet getting warmer?
Drilling for oil.
What do human's drill for in the Arctic?
How many hamburgers could a polar bear eat for 1 meal?
With claws and paws.
How does a polar bear run on the ice?
Insects and migrating birds and mammals will come to play.
What wildlife can be found in the arctic summer?
Gasoline, oil and coal
What is being burned that causes pollution?
Why is the shrinking ice a problem for polar bears?
6 miles per hour.
How far can a polar bear swim?
100 pounds of meat.
How much food will a polar bear it in one meal?
What is the polar bear's favorite hunting season?
Shrinking ice.
What is the polar bear's biggest problem?
The population is decreasing.
What is happening to the number of polar bears?
Their fur is waterproof.
How can polar bears swim in icy water?