Where is the Alternate Party ID Stored on CIF ?
What is ETOT
Periodicity Value Type
What is hours?
What function is disabled while creating a Tier or Supplier due to absence of approval.
What is delete function?
An authoriser can action a transaction in release status by doing one of these...
What is Authorise, Reject or Send back?
These screens are used to add a new Tier
What is Maintain System Codes?
This needs to happen after the Customer Agreement is created (Happy Path)
What is authorise? or what is four eye approval?
What is 24, 168 & 720?
What is d_Customersegment?
How approver is notified of approval/authorisation pending
Two different views available depending on the user access.
What is create and list view?
What is the Payments Tab?
Value for Dimension 1
What is the Customer Segment?
After a Tier is created, what should be created
What is the supplier?
A transaction that is saved and closed at creation will display in this status...
What is released?
What steps are required to create a new Tier ( that is mapped to an existing Product) ...
What is Tier and Payments Limit? ( no requirement for new Groups or new System Codes)
The CIF ID also ALTERNATE PARTY ID is also referred to as what on BaNCS?
What is Level ID ?
This limit type will be used for future
What is 8- Customer Payment Limit?
Once a Tier or supplier is created and ready for approval what should you do?
What is save and close?
This screen is reviewed to review user activity
What is transaction monitoring?
How the system is accessed ...
What is Single Sign on through the Portal?
Each system code added must also be entered in ____
What is French?
Screen is used to view the Hierarchy
What is Limit Hierarchy screen?
After setting up the Supplier, what should be created?
What is the Product?
Limit Utilization is only available at what level...
What is Supplier Level?
Which screens display both manual and system generated payment transactions ...
What is Payment Limit Utilization Screen?