plot development
more vocabulary
the exposition takes place at the ________________ of a story
What is exposition
the introduction, including setting and characters; the beginning
who or what in a story
What is a character
School was out, and Brad’s family went on a trip. Brad wanted to learn how to surf, and his little sister wanted to build a whale in the sand. On the first morning, Brad’s whole family woke up early. They took a boat ride out to sea to do some fishing. When the boat came back to shore, Brad rented a surf board and took off for the waves. His little sister grabbed her pail and shovel. This was going to be the best day ever.
24. Where does this story take place? A. at the beach B. at the sand box C. at Brad's pool D. at the hotel
Which word best completes the sentence below? Nate always ran to the mailbox hoping that he would receive/recieve a letter from his friend Chip.
A. receive B. recieve
What is the conflict
the problem in a story
What is conflict
a struggle between two opposing forces
the events leading up to the resolution
What is falling action
Danny’s baseball team was losing the last game of the season, and it was Danny’s turn at bat. He walked slowly up to the plate and took a deep breath. Danny knew he wasn’t as good at hitting the ball as he was at catching it. He was afraid that he would miss the ball and let down his whole team. The pitcher threw the ball, and Danny swung the bat as hard as he could. Crack! The ball flew high over the field. Danny ran toward first base and made it just in time. His teammates cheered for him as he ran across the plate. He was so proud that he helped his team.
29. Where does this story take place? A. at an ice skating party B. at a baseball game C. at a piano lesson D. at a football game
Scott could not find his glasses anywhere. He worried that he might have thrown them away when he was cleaning his room. He began to rummage through the garbage hoping that he would find them.
What does the word rummage mean? A. run B. fight C. smell D. search
What is the climax of a story
the turning point
What is setting
where and when a story takes place
man vs man man vs nature man vs self
What are the three types of conflict
Jessie and her friend Debbie wanted to go camping. Jessie's parents packed food, sleeping bags, and a tent. Then, the four campers got into the car with Bessie the dog. Jessie's mother drove them up into the Oleander Mountains. The air coming through the windows turned cold. When they found the campsite, Jessie's mother stopped the car. Everyone got out and carried the supplies. Jessie's father set up the tent while the girls unpacked the food for dinner. Jessie's mother stood still in the middle of the campsite. "Oh, no!" she said. "How will we cook? I forgot the matches!" Jessie's father laughed. He reached into his pocket and took out a small box. "But I did not!"
16. What happens in the beginning of the story? A. Jessie's father takes a small box out of his pocket. B. Everyone gets out of the car and carries supplies. C. Jessie's parents pack food, sleeping bags, and a tent. D. Jessie's mother stands in the middle of the campsite.
Joshua loves to read books about heroes going against bad people. The best part of the story is when the good people prevail. Joshua does not like it when the bad people win.
Which word means the same as prevail? A. lose B. read C. win D. fight
What is the rising action
the events leading to the climax
What is plot
the series of events in a story
turning point or climax
What is it called when a character undergoes a big change in a story
Aito was not ready to be a big brother yet. After all, he had been an only child all his life. When his parents brought the baby home from the hospital, Aito knew his life was going to change forever. He did not like the baby even before he knew her. Baby Mayuri lay in her crib all day and cried a lot. She always needed someone to be near her. One afternoon, when Aito came home from school, his mother was singing his favorite songs to the baby. That’s it, Aito thought. What is so special about the baby anyway? I am going to find out. He went over to the sofa where his mom was rocking the baby to sleep. At that moment, the baby smiled at her brother and touched his cheek with her soft hands. Aito understood that the baby was harmless. He knew she only wanted some love. When Aito thought about his friends who hated being an only child, he felt glad. “When you grow bigger, we can play together,” Aito told his little sister as he kissed her tiny hands.
21. Aito's problem is solved when A. he likes having a baby sister. B. he cries along with the baby. C. his mom kisses his little hands. D. his friends come over to play.
Amos the mouse lived by the ocean. He loved the ocean. He loved the smells and the sounds. He wondered about the places on the other side of the water. One day, he started building a boat. He worked very hard on it. When the boat was done, he loaded it with food and water. Then, he put tools, extra wood, and bandages in the boat. On the sixth of September, the water was high and the wind was strong. It was the perfect day to start his adventure. He pushed his boat into the water and jumped in.
5. What happens right after Amos builds his boat? A. Amos becomes sick and stays at home. B. Amos puts the boat in the water. C. Amos takes apart his old boat. D. Amos puts food and water in his boat.
What is the resolution
how the conflict is fixed
What is resolution
how the conflict is fixed
What is the name of the ending of a conflict in a story
Cinna Mon did not like her new school. She missed her friends, the cafeteria, and even the cozy library at her old school. At Big Foot Elementary on Fridays, the kids were supposed to show what they were good at. Next Friday was Crazy Feet Day. "What am I to do, Har?" Cinna asked her brother, who went to the same school. "What am I good at?" "Why don't you do a puppet show?" Har suggested. "You are always making your dolls dance and act in a play and stuff." Cinna could not believe that her brother came up with such a good idea. "A dance show with puppets sounds fun," she almost shouted in excitement. "Maybe Dad can take me shopping to buy some cool strings and a little wooden stage!" All of a sudden, Cinna could not wait for next Friday.
30. What is Cinna Mon's problem? A. Her brother is not very helpful when she needs him. B. She does not know what to show her class on Friday. C. She cannot make new friends at her new school. D. Her teachers are not very friendly at her new school.
The Adventures at Swampywillow Lake Amy Kettle woke. She felt the train stop. "Bill! The train stopped," she said. She shook her brother awake. Bill got up and stretched. They looked out the window. The station was empty. All they could see was an old, scary house. “Who would want to get off here?” Bill asked. Suddenly, they heard the conductor yell, "Well? Are you getting off?" The children turned and stared. "Get off? What do you mean?" Amy asked. "Is this our stop?" The conductor turned red. He took a deep breath and said, "Yes. This is Swampywillow. You're supposed to get off here." "Yes, but there must be some mistake. . . ." began Amy. Then, the conductor lost his temper. "GET OFF MY TRAIN!" he shouted. The children grabbed their bags and ran onto the platform.
. What choice below best sums up the main events in the story? A. Amy has a dream about riding on a train. The conductor gets mad at her for running around and makes her get off. B. Amy and Bill look out of a train window and notice a scary house. The conductor yells at them and makes them get off. C. Amy gets on the wrong train and ends up getting lost in the big city. She comes across an old and scary house. D. Amy and Bill go inside a scary house. A man screams at them to get out. Later, they take a train to school.