The part of the story where things start to return to a new normal.
What is Falling Action?
The main character; the character who enacts change in the story.
What is the Protagonist?
A character with many traits.
What is a Round Character?
This is the story's atmosphere or the feeling evoked in the reader.
What is Mood?
Writers choose who, in the story, tells this story. This can be in first-person, third-person limited, or third-person omniscient.
What is point of view?
The part of a story where information is given about the characters and the world.
What is Exposition?
A supporting character. Assists the protagonist in their quest for change.
What is a Subordinate Character?
A character who does not change.
What is a Static Character?
An obstacle faced by a character.
What is Conflict?
The narrator uses "I" pronouns and is stuck to one head.
What is first-person?
The most exciting part of a story. The moment where the protagonist starts to change.
What is the Climax?
A character who changes.
Information about a character is learned by telling the reader, either through narration or dialogue. (i.e. "She was intelligent.")
What is Direct Characterization?
This drives a character's actions and explains behavior/reveals personality.
What is Motivation?
The narrator uses they pronouns and can move between heads.
What is third-person omniscient point of view?
The part of a story where conflict begins. Things start to "ramp up" and the characters must struggle against problems.
What is Rising Action?
A character with very few traits. They are 2-dimensional.
Information about a character is implied, either through their own actions or dialogue. (i.e. a character does a tricky math problem on the board, so the reader learns that she is intelligent.
What is Indirect Characterization?
This is how the narrator or author feel about a subject.
What is Tone?
Internal Conflict
The part of the story where we return to normalcy. The very end.
What is Denouement?
The struggle against which the protagonist must fight. This may be a character OR an unseen force in the story (i.e. nature, societal expectations)
What is the Antagonist?
This is the role of Poverty in "Marigolds."
What is an Antagonist?
This is the language used by an author. It is distinct and unique to that author or to that narrator.
What is voice?
This is the implied meaning of a word. Two words may mean the same thing, but create different images (cottage vs cabin).
What is connotation?