For the Birds
Partly Cloudly
Theseus & the Minotaur
Calling for Snow
Save the Whales

The BB flies over and sits on the wire, the wire droops, the SB pecks the BB and he flips upside down, and the SBs start pecking at his toes non-stop.

How does this event help develop the plot?

It builds tension in the rising action.


It's early morning, clouds are making baby animals and storks are delivering them, we meet a dark cloud and his stork friend.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces the main character, setting, and background information in the exposition.


The beginning of “Theseus and the Minotaur” shows Theseus as a young boy. He is small, weak, and unable to catch a large fish. It also shows that he lives in ancient Greek times in a village by the beach.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces the main character, setting, and background information in the exposition.


"The sun must be lost, thought Paula as she shivered early one morning while waiting at the school-bus stop. She knew that bright yellow ball must be floating in the sky somewhere above her-it was daytime after all-but she could not feel its warmth."

How does this paragraph fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces the main character, setting, and background information in the exposition.


Jake and his family head out to the shore to watch a pod of whales.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces background information in the exposition.


In the beginning, we see a bunch of small birds sit on a wire and a big bird shows up.

 How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces the main character, setting, and background information in the exposition.


The story closes with the Dark Cloud continuing to make dangerous animals like the eel and the stork keeps delivering them.

How does this event help develop the plot?

It describes the End of the Story


Theseus gets a message from a bird, moves the big rock, and fights the white bull.

How do these events develop the plot?

The descriptions show his conflict increasing in the rising action.


Paula has never experienced snow before but is moving to Boston.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It introduces the conflict as the initiating event.


"They cheered when it headed out to sea. It swam out about a mile and then disappeared for a moment under the sea. Then, in what looked like a leap of joy, it rose in an arc over the water—a sight that was their reward for helping."

 How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It describes the End of the Story


At the start of the story the SBs don't like the BB and are mean to him. Towards the end we see the SBs get made fun of by the BB.

How does this event help develop the plot?

It provides a resolution for his conflict.


Because the Dark Cloud is making dangerous animals the Stork wears protective gear to deliver the dangerous animals.

 How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It provides a resolution for his conflict.


Theseus volunteers to join the group of Athenians to kill the Minotaur so the sacrifices can stop.

How does this event move the plot forward?

It reveals the main conflict of the story.


"...a snowflake fell on her nose. "Wow!" Paula exclaimed. Her first-ever snowflake! It felt like a tiny, wet pinprick on her nose. She put a gloved finger to it, but it was gone by the time she pulled it away. "Hah!" replied Alejandro. "My song worked! We are going to have so much fun in the snow today!'"

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

The tension is decreasing in the falling action, and the story is coming to an end.


Jake and the other bystanders try to save the whale, the animal rescue squad shows, Jake and his family make tea and food for the rescuers, and it's starting to get dark so everyone points their headlights at the beach.

How do these events move the plot forward?

The description show the conflict increasing in the rising action.


The big birds last toes is slowly slipping off.

 How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It represents a turning point in the story as the climax.


The stork leaves his friend the Dark Cloud for another cloud and receives a package from the other cloud. He flies back over to the Dark Cloud, opens the package and its...

How does this event help develop the plot?

It describes the climax.


In “Theseus and the Minotaur”, Theseus battles the Minotaur in the labyrinth.

How does this event help develop the plot?

It describes the climax.


After waiting to experience snow, Paula is happy that it is snowing and she will play in the snow with her new friend Alejandro.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It resolves the problem.


"Then one whale swam toward them, right at the shoreline. It came in  with the waves, and when the waves receded, it stayed. Its massive  body rested on the sand. Suddenly, Jake and his family and all the  others were no longer sightseers. They had to become rescuers."

How does this event move the plot forward?

It reveals the main conflict of the story.


When you are unkind to others there may be consequences.

How does this event help develop the plot?

It reveals the theme.


The dark cloud is making very dangerous animals that the stork has to deliver.

 How does this event move the plot forward?

It reveals the main conflict of the story.


Theseus and his group head back to Athens on the ship.

How does this fit into the overall structure of plot?

The End of Story


"Paula laughed. She wondered whether Alejandro was serious, but just as she opened her mouth to ask him, when all of the sudden..."

How does this develop the plot?

It's the turning point of the story (Climax)


After hours for trying to save the whale, the tide comes in and the rescuers give one final push to try to get the whale back in the surf.

How does this fit into the overall plot structure?

It represents a turning point in the story as the climax.
