This verse says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son".
John 3:16
She was chosen to be the mother of Jesus because of her faithfulness.
This famous friendship in the Bible involved the son of a king and a shepherd boy.
David and Jonathan
This couple was the first ever created and lived in the garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve
This book of the Bible is filled with poetic love songs between a bride and groom.
Romans 8:39 tells us that nothing can separate us from this.
Love of God
This queen saved her people through boldness and prayer.
These two women stuck together with one saying, "Where you go, I will go".
Ruth and Naomi
This Old Testament man worked 14 years to marry the woman he loved.
1 John 4:19 reminds us that "We love because" this happened first.
He first loved us
This fruit of the spirit comes first in Galatians 5:22 and reflects God's nature
This judge and prophetess led Israel to victory with wisdom and courage.
Jesus called this group His friends and shared His love and teachings with them.
His disciples
Proverbs 31 describes this kind of woman that a man of God should seek.
Virtuous woman
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love this person with all our heart, soul and mind.
In 1 John 4:8, we learn that anyone who does not love does not know God because God is this.
She was known for her hospitality and her heart for God, even sitting at Jesus' feet instead of helping in the kitchen.
Mary, sister of Martha
In John 15:13, Jesus said there is no greater love than to do this for one's friends.
Lay down one's life
Ephesians 5:25 tells husbands to love their wives as this person loves the church.
Christ Jesus
The second greatest commandment says we must love this person as we love ourselves.
Our neighbor
God's love is described as never failing and new every morning in this Old Testament book.
This business woman in Acts sold purple cloth and was one of the first converts in Philippi.
This Old Testament prophet mentored his successor, who refused to leave his side and received double portion of his spirit.
Elijah and Elisha
This love chapter in the Bible describes love as patient, kind and never failing.
1 Corinthians 13
In Romans 5:8, God demonstrated His love for us while we were still in this state.