Causes and Consequences of the Civil War
Reconstruction Groups and Plans
Jim Crow Laws/Black Codes
Amendments to the Constitution
Native Americans and Farmers in the West

Whose election in 1860 led to the Southern States seceding from the Union and the outbreak of the Civil War?

A. Abraham Lincoln                  B. Jefferson Davis

C. James Buchanan                  D. Andrew Johnson

A. Abraham Lincoln


What is Reconstruction?

A. A Rebuilding of the Railroad in the American West

B. The rebuilding and military occupation of the North following the end of the Civil War

C. The rebuilding and military occupation of the South following the end of the Civil War

D. The End of the World as We Know It

C. The rebuilding and military occupation of the South following the end of the Civil War


What was the goal of Jim Crow Laws?

A. To give African Americans the right to vote

B. To segregate African Americans and keep them inferior to White Americans

C. Provide African Americans with their own land as payback for slavery

D. To give African American children a strong education

B. To segregate African Americans and keep them inferior to White Americans


The 13th Amendment ensured the end of what?

A. Voting

B. Slavery

C. The United States

D. Reconstruction

B. Slavery


Native Americans were assimilated into White culture. This meant what?

A. They brought the uniqueness of their culture into American culture.

B. They became two separate countries in North America.

C. They were forced to abandon their own culture for American culture.

D. They were wiped out as a group and no longer exist today.

C. They were forced to abandon their own culture for American culture.


What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act allow people living in those territories to decide?

A. Whether women had the right to vote in elections

B. Whether all slaves could be freed or not

C. Whether slavery could or could not be allowed in territories by popular vote

D. Whether African Americans had the right to vote in elections

C. Whether slavery could or could not be allowed in territories by popular vote


In order to make a living after being freed from slavery, what work did African Americans do?

A. Become factory workers, working for abolitionists in the North

B. Become Jim Crow Lawmakers in the South

C. Landholders, they worked their own land in the South

D. Sharecropping, becoming tenants for former slaveholders

D. Sharecropping, becoming tenants for former slaveholders


What was the purpose of the Black Codes proposed by the Southern governments before Reconstruction was implemented?

A. To give African American freedmen full and equal rights.

B. To restrict African American freedmen rights heavily

C. To segregate African Americans from White Americans in all public facilities

D. To guarantee African Americans work opportunities

B. To restrict African American freedmen rights heavily


African American freedmen were granted what right from the 15th Amendment?

A. Freedom to travel as they please

B. The Right to Bear Arms

C. Land that they could grow their own crops on

D. The ability to vote regardless of race

D. The ability to vote regardless of race


What did the Dawes Act do to Native Americans?

A. Label them as White Americans

B. Identify them all as one tribe rather than recognizing tribal differences

C. Put them onto tribal reservations land the government had created

D. Ship all Native Americans to Canada

C. Put them onto tribal reservations land the government had created


Someone who wants slavery to end and slaves to be freed is known as a:

A. Slaveholder

B. Democrat

C. Whig

D. Abolitionist

D. Abolitionist


Northerners who moved to the South following the end of Reconstruction were known as what?

A. Scalawags

B. Radical Republicans

C. Carpetbaggers

D. Plantations

C. Carpetbaggers

What did the Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson decide?

A. Racial segregation is legal as long as facilities offered are "separate but equal"

B. Racial segregation is illegal and cannot be offered as thing are inherently "separate and illegal."

C. Former slaves are not allowed to serve on a jury, one must "be a citizen".

D. Slaves are citizens and cannot be "treated as property".

A. Racial segregation is legal as long as facilities offered are "separate but equal"


The 14th Amendment guaranteed ALL of the following things below EXCEPT for what?

A. Equal Protection Under the Law

B. Citizenship if Born in the United States

C. The Right to Use the Same Facilities Regardless of Your Race

D. Due Process of the Law

C. The Right to Use the Same Facilities Regardless of Your Race


Why did Grangers try to pass railroad regulation?

A. They wanted to pay the same costs for all crops shipped.

B. They wanted to eliminate the transcontinental railroad to start their own.

C. They wanted to get out of farming and into industry

D. They wanted the President to take over the railroad as they trusted his judgement more.

A. They wanted to pay the same costs for all crops shipped.


What was the purpose of the Anaconda Plan?

A. For the Confederacy to cut off the Union's access to sea ports

B. For the Confederacy to cut off the Union's access to Washington D.C.

C. For the Union to cut off the Confederacy's access to sea ports and split it in half

D. For the Union to unleash its full military force on the Confederacy

C. For the Union to cut off the Confederacy's access to sea ports and split it in half


What did Radical Republicans aim to do through Reconstruction?

A. Give African American freedmen greater rights, passing a Civil Rights Act

B. Take away rights from African American freedmen by passing Jim Crow Laws

C. Give African American freedmen greater rights by passing Jim Crow Laws

D. Allow the Southern States to immediately rejoin the United States

A. Give African American freedmen greater rights, passing a Civil Rights Act


How did the system of sharecropping work?

A. African American freedmen worked for their former masters who they had to give a share of the crop to.

B. African American freedmen worked for their former masters, but were allowed to keep 100% of the profit that they made.

C. African American freedmen bought their own land and used it to plan their own crops.

D. African American freedmen sold the land that they were given to others to grow crops for them on.

A. African American freedmen worked for their former masters who they had to give a share of the crop to.


What was the ultimate goal of the Ku Klux Klan?

A. To keep African American freedmen from using their rights.

B. To help African American freedmen use their rights

C. To help the South rejoin the United States as quickly as possible.

D. To be a third political party that voters could vote for.

A. To keep African American freedmen from using their rights.


Unlimited coinage of silver and gold

Free Ballot and Fair Count in Election

The Election of Senators

These ideas and more were supported by which of the following party platforms?

A. Republican Party

B. Populist Party

C. Democrat Party

D. Progressive Party

B. Populist Party


Describe TWO events/compromises that led up to (caused) the Civil War.

Many options, but some you can bring up and describe are:

Missouri Compromise

Compromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Bleeding Kansas

Dred Scott Decision

John Brown's Raid

Election of 1860 (Abraham Lincoln)


Describe the differences between how Abraham Lincoln wanted to treat the Southern States and how the Radical Republicans wanted to treat the Southern States to let them back into the Union.

Abraham Lincoln: Wanted to forgive easily, only 10% had to pledge loyalty to rejoin

Radical Republicans: Wanted to be harsh, at least 50% had to pledge loyalty to rejoin


List THREE ways in which African American rights were limited by the Jim Crow Laws and/or the Black Codes

Answers will vary, but can include the following topics:

Segregation of Public Places

Rights and What African Americans can do are limited

African Americans are treated as second-class citizens


In Your Own Words, describe what the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments had in common

They guaranteed rights to all African Americans and those who had been previously enslaved.


Describe TWO CHALLENGES that farmers faced and how they dealt with them.

Answers may vary but could include:

Not having Material to Make Houses

Lack of Rainfall

Lack of Wood for Fences

Tough, Dry Soil

Lack of Fuel for Homes

Lack of Manpower for Labor

Remoteness of Markets
