CAM, Pain Managment, Death & Dying
Lifespan & Care for Older Adult
Respiratory System
Wound Care and Surgery
Blood or Lymphatic Disorder

Many people use herbal remedies to assist with restoring this in their bodies. 

What is restoring balance?


The prejudice term for an older adult. 

What is agism?


Patient is receiving packed red blood cells (PRBC) and states "I don't feel right."  The nurse assesses the patient and auscultates the lungs, Wheezing is noted throughout the lung fields. The nurse's first action is to.... 

What is stopping the blood due to transfusion reaction? 


The diabetic patient is being admitted for a left great toe amputation and asks the nurse what kind surgery this is considered to be. 

What is ablative surgery?


A male patient asks a nurse "How can I keep from my children having Hemophilia A?" 

Who is your daughter?


The nurse is teaching a patient about alternative therapies for a patient with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is avoid.  

What is a therapeutic massage? 


The theory of aging when the body becomes less able to tolerate "self".

What is autoimmunity theory?


The WBC is elevated with this type of pneumonia. 

What is bacterial pneumonia?


The first action that the nurse will take when a patient in the PACU has a fever of 94 degrees Fahrenheit?

What is a warm blanket? 


The determination test in staging metastasis in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

What is a positron emission tomography (PET) scan?


The patient is receiving percocet for pain management from a total knee surgery. When taking percocet for pain management, the nurses educates the patient on this common side effect of taking narcotics and not being as active as before. 

What is constipation? 


According to Piaget, this is the stage of the cognitive development level of the adolescent. 

What is formal operational stage? 


This acid-base imbalance is a result of continuing hyperventilation from an anxiety attack.

What is respiratory alkalosis? 


The phase of when the main airway tube is removed, and the nurse is focused on the respiratory and gastrointestinal system.

What is the postoperative phase?


The older adult patient has an occult stool test that is positive. What should the nurse assess for symptoms of knowing that the patient has a history of colonic diverticula? 

What is iron-deficiency anemia? 


When the ER physician pronounces a 2-year-old dead following a drowning accident, the mother is tearful and keeps repeating the father "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." The mother is expressing this to the father.

What is guilt? 


According to Erickson, when an infant is abandoned by their primary caregiver, then he/she will experience which stage? 

What is trust verses mistrust? 


Interpret the following ABG so you can tell the physician: 

pH 7.60, PaCo2 45, PaO2 91, HCO3 35

What is metabolic alkalosis? 


A patient is being assessed postoperatively of a splenectomy and is very restless and fighting staff. This patient is showing signs of what post operative complication.

What is hemorrhaging? 


This significant nursing practice prevents the spread of infection for a patient with agranulocytosis. 

What is hand washing?


The patient that the nurse is seeing states that she is feeling overwhelmed and does not feel like going to church on Sunday morning or having movie night with her friends on Friday night is experiencing what Kubler-Ross stage of the dying theory. 

What is the depression stage? 


The nurse recognizes the older patient with COPD will more than likely develop this skeletal change due to the alter ability to exchange air effectively.

What is kyphosis? 


A patient has severe pain from a coughing episode and becomes dyspneic. The nurse assesses the patient's lung sounds and auscultates no lung sounds on the right side. 

What is a spontaneous pneumothorax? 


The anesthesia medication can depress vital system function during surgery. This system usually wakes up after 6-8 hours. 

What is the renal system?


The 14-year-old client comes in the emergency room with a sickle cell crisis. The primary care of focus should be. 

What is pain relief measures? 
