POA History
CPU Facts
EDH Facts
EGC Facts
Finance & Admin
What year was POA founded?



Palma Futuro is a project implemented by the CPU unit that promotes acceptable conditions of work and reduces child labor and forced labor in the palm oil supply chains in two countries in Latin America. 

Through 2021, in which countries has the CPU unit implemented the Palma Futuro project? 

 Colombia and Ecuador


POAs Economic Development & Health programs contribute to global nutrition security and livelihood development by strengthening organizational and individual capacity. 

What are the 5 programs currently active in EDH? (meaning there is an HQ team with a Director leading the program)

F2F, F2F Venezuela, C4D, RANFOSE, AVOP


The Education & Global Citizenship Unit supports exchange programs and small grants throughout the Americas. 

Name one of the programs currently active in EGC

100K Strong in the Americas, Education & Culture, US Exchange Alumni Network & Capacity Building, Meta, Buenos Aires Youth Leaders


 If you are working in the Home Office - Washington DC, who is the first contact if you have a problem with your work computer? For example: you accidentally spilled water on your computer’s keyboard. 

 Debbie Cooper or Vanessa Noguera


The POA’s Core Values guide and empower our organization to accomplish our mission which is to connect people and organizations across and within borders to serve and change lives. 

Mention 3(three) of POA’s 7 (seven) Core Values. 

Service, Partnership, Impact, Resilience, Respect, Empowerment, Sustainability.


Colombia is one of the most important countries in Latin America in which POA has a presence and has been implementing different projects though the Child Protection Unit since 2018.

How many projects is our CPU unit currently implementing in Colombia?  

4 (Juntos Aprendemos, Palma Futuro, Colombia Puertos, and Colombia Avanza)


F2F connects specialized volunteers from the United States with farmers, cooperatives, agribusinesses, extension services, government agencies and other institutions. F2F is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 

In which 6 countries does POA implement Farmer-to-Farmer?

Myanmar, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica


Carmen Sepassi recently retired from POA. She was a beloved coworker and “office mom.” She supported the Kellog Fellows program and many POA seminars and conventions. Primarily, she managed the Education & Culture program. 

For how many years did Carmen Sepassi work at POA?

43 years


 How many people are working in the Finance and Administration section in the Home Office -Washington DC?



Inspired by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our non-profit and non-partisan organization was founded in 1964. 

Under which name was POA originally founded? 


Partners of the Alliance (Partners of the Alliance became Partners of the Americas in 1970) 



 More than 13 million children are subject to child labor every day throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The Child Protection Unit seeks to eliminate the worst forms of child labor by taking a holistic approach toward providing children and youth with extensive educational services and households with alternative income-generating opportunities. 

In how many countries does our Child Protection Unit currently work? 

 7 (Colombia, Paraguay, Mexico, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Brasil, and Peru)


In the last 20 years, the number of people who suffer from hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean has fallen from 68.5 million to 37 million. EDH leverages an expansive network of specialized volunteers, development experts, collaborating organizations and local leaders to increase food production and income, promote improved nutrition and support sustainable economic growth and environmental conservation across the hemisphere. 

What was EDH called before it was EDH?

AFS (Agriculture & Food Security)


Juliana Araujo is VP of the Education & Global Citizenship unit. She has more than 20 years of experience overseeing programs with higher education institutions, NGOs, governments and the private sector in Latin America and the United States, including education and student exchange programs between Brazil and the United States. 

What is Juliana Araujo’s title?

Vice President of Marketing Management & Global Citizenship


2 CFR 200 is uniform guidance that streamlines and consolidates government requirements for receiving and using federal awards so as to reduce administrative burden and improve outcomes. This guidance is the basis for all federal grants and has been adopted by each federal agency administering federal grants. 

What does the acronym CFR stand for?

 Code of Federal Regulations


The idea behind Partners came from a Foreign Service Officer who was stationed in Peru in the early 1960s. 

What is the name of this US Foreign Service Officer? 

 Jim Boren


 The ATLAS project aims to combat child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking in a country in Latin America. The project does this by improving the enforcement of labor and criminal laws and increasing coordination amongst law enforcement and social protection agencies to strengthen their capacity to identify and enforce labor abuse cases. 

In which country is this project being implemented?  



Cacao and Complementary Crops for Development seekd to develop the cacao value chain in colombia to increase farmer incomes and diversify and commercialize complementary crops. C4D is funded by USDA using a unique funding mechanism. 

What is this funding mechanism called and which crop is associated with it?

Monetization of wheat


The 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund is the leading hemispheric-wide initiative supported by the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassies, and Partners of the Americas in partnership with visionary companies, foundations, and education institutions working to strengthen collaboration among governments, business, and academia – critical to economies in the Americas.

Which countries are part of the most recent 100K round with US DOS and AgroAmerica as funders?

Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Belize and the US 


All the monthly expense reports must be submitted to Home Office Washington, DC by the 7th of the following month. Compliance with this timeline is critical to ensure all expenditures are recorded in the correct month. 

Mention at least four files that should be submitted in the monthly expense report package. 

Expense report Excel File, Certification of Expenses pdf file, OANDA exchange rate, Timesheets, Payroll Excel file, Bank statement, Bank Reconciliation, supporting documentation of transactions (invoices, etc.), VC for new vendors (employees, etc.), procurement package.


The POA chapter network works to unite volunteers in U.S. states with their counterparts in countries or regions of Latin America. The chapter network emphasizes people-to-people relationships and operates outside of government-to-government diplomacy. Which was the first chapter partnership (founded in 1963):

Florida & Colombia Norte, Oriente & Central


The new award named Gender Equity in the Mexican Workplace, undertaken by the CPU unit, seeks to increase the number of women in union leadership, strengthen protections against gender-based violence at work, address discrimination and harassment in the workplace, combat the gender wage gap, and increase wages for women.  

Which regions in Mexico does this project target? 

Chihuahua, Jalisco, and Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México.


The RANFOSE program aims to address micronutrient deficiencies in Haiti by increasing the availability of high-quality fortified foods throughout the country. Yves Laurent Regis is the Chief of Party in Haiti.

 Where does Yves Laurent’s son live?

Toronto, Canada


Career Connections Global+ is a series of virtual professional development sessions bringing together U.S. alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs with expert career coaches, professionals from diverse fields, and international leaders. Whether you're changing careers, looking to advance, or just starting out, these sessions provide invaluable opportunities to network with leaders in your community. 

How many in-person seminars did Career Connections host (starting in 2020)?

5 in-person seminars (others were virtual due to COVID)


The U.S. Government requires compliance checks, from three different sources, prior to the expenditure of funds. To satisfy this requirement, POA requires that a Visual Compliance report (which encompasses these three sources in one report) be run once a year for all individuals and entities who are receiving any federal funds. 

What are these three sources?  

|1| SAM.gov, |2| UN’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN), and |3| Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Sanctions Lists.
