shiny bidoof is this color
what is yellow
if someone sees this pokemons true form they will die of shock
what is mimikyu
this pokemon has a dead mom
what is cubone
in terms of human and pokemon breeding this pokemon is the most compatible with humans
what is vaporeon
this pokemon is the canonical god
what is arceus
shiny fuecoco is this color
what is pink
this pokemon can create black holes
what is gardevoir
this character uses a total of 8 pokemon
who is volo
the joker caught this pokemon
what is lopunny
this pokemon is actually god
what is bidoof
this pokemon has a large forehead and a blue shiny
what is psyduck
this pokemons cell structure is so similar to water molecules that in water it will melt in it
what is vaporeon
this champion is who everyone simps for
who is cynthia
this pokemons shiny is the exact same greyish color as the original
what is garchomp
every fire starter is based upon the chinese zodiac except for this one
what is fuecoco
in this generation it is possible to get shiny gyarados for free
what is gen 2/johto
this pokemon can apparently cut through anything
what is kartana
this person is the only champion to be part of an evil team
who is n
this pokemon lost its defining feature until gen 9 (hint its a fire type)
what is typhlosion
this pokemon has the most varients
what is vivillion
this shiny changes color to white when it mega evolves
what is mega gengar
this pokemon hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on
what is lampent
which gen did red make his most recent appearance
what is gen 7/alola
this trainers certain pokemon strikes fear into all
what is cynthia's garchomp
this pokemon is the most unpopular one
what is watchog