Student Guidelines
Harassment & Bullying

These are mailed home at the end of each Marking Period.

What are Report Cards?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 5, "Grading System and Policy")


The definition of being tardy for class

What is not being in class AND in uniform when the bell rings?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 9, "Tardiness")


Students must be wearing this in order to enter classrooms or common areas of the school.

What is a uniform?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 16, "Dress Code")


Guns, knives, explosive devices, and any implement that can cause serious injury

What are weapons that are never permitted on school property (including school transportation or school activities held away from school)?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 28, "Weapons in School")


This behavior typically involves repeated acts of aggression by another person by causing pain, fear, or embarrassment. It may be perpetrated by an individual or a group.

What is bullying?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 32, "Bully Prevention Policy - Definition of Bullying")


The person you need to see to collect any work you miss if you are not in class

Who is your teacher?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 5, "Standard Classroom Procedures")


If you arrive 10 minutes late to class (without prior approval), you may be marked this in the gradebook.

What is Absent?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 5, "Standard Classroom Procedures" and p. 9, "Absence from Class")


These things are to be placed in a student's locker upon arrival at school and must remain in the locker throughout the day.

What are backpacks, bookbags, purses, and lunch containers (as well as any other bag-like item)?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 14, "Bookbag/Purse Policy")


Students should be aware that school buses and vans are equipped with these to ensure safety and enforce discipline.

What are video cameras?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 13, "School Bus Video Cameras")


Negative behaviors (such as assault, offensive touching, oral or written communication that can be perceived as offensive, etc.) based on a person's race, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or similar characteristic are examples of this prohibited behavior.

What is harassment?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, pp. 30-31, "Harassment or Misconduct by Students...")


85-92% is represented as this letter grade in the gradebook.

What is a B?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 5, "Grading System and Policy")


In order to be marked Present for the entire day of school, a student must arrive before this period begins.

What is 2nd Period (Intervention)?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 9, "Absence from School")


Students must wear a uniform shirt or sweatshirt as the ______________ layer of clothing.

What is the "outermost" layer?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 15, "Dress Code")


Personal cell phone calls are not permitted to be in the classrooms or hallways at any time. In the course of the school day, students may only make phone calls for emergency purposes, and any such calls must be made from this location in the school.

What is the lobby?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 19, "Telephones and Messages")


Students may complete this within 5 school days of the alleged infraction if they believe they have been unfairly treated.

What is an online grievance form?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 20, "Student Grievances")


Each day this happens you may receive a penalty of a 10% reduction in your assignment grade.

What is turn work in late?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 5, "Accepting Late Work")


Missing the bus, helping in the home, employment, oversleeping, shopping, and truancy are all considered _________ absences.

What are "unexcused" absences?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, pp. 8-9, "Unexcused Absences Include...")


Short shorts, tank tops, strapless tops, camisoles, clothing that either exposes the midriff or has intentional holes above mid-thigh, exposed undergarments, pajama pants, slippers, and clothing with drug or alcohol references, sexual references, or profanity are examples of this.

What is clothing that may not be worn in school?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 15, "Dress Code")


In order to attend a school social event (such as a school dance), students must attend school for at least ___ consecutive hours on the day of the event.

What is 4?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 18, "Social Events")


These are all people who should report instances or suspicions of bullying to the administration.

Who are students, staff, and parents?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 32, "Bully Prevention Policy - Reporting Requirements")


Among other requirements, a high school student must earn 4 credits for each of these three classes in order to graduate from POCS.

What are ELA, Math, and Social Studies?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 6, "Graduation Policy")


The number of absences from a single class (or from school) that will prevent a student from earning credit in that class (or all classes) for the year.

What is 26?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 7, "Attendance")


These articles of clothing must remain in a student's locker and cannot be worn in the building.

What are hats, bandanas, do-rags, jackets, coats, and outerwear?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 15, "Dress Code")


For certain violations such as possession of weapons or controlled substances, school officials may be obligated to inform these outside agencies.

What are law enforcement agencies?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 25, "Suspension")


This type of bullying makes use of online technology and may include: spreading information or pictures intended to embarrass; making rude, insulting or vulgar remarks in a heated unequal argument; isolating someone from their peer group; impersonating another person online; forwarding information or pictures meant to be private. 

What is cyber-bullying?

(See 2024-2025 Student Handbook, p. 32, "Bully Prevention Policy - Definition of Bullying")
