Our English Heritage
The English Colonies
Birth of a Democratic Nation
Wild Card

This is the movement that spread the idea that reason and science could improve society.

What is the Enlightenment?


This is the type of colony where the owner owned and controlled both the land and the government.

What is a proprietary colony?


This is the theory where country's power depends on its wealth.

What is mercantilism?


This is more of neutral term for a King or Queen.

What is a monarch?


North and South Carolina originally started under this name.

What is "Carolina"?


This is the name of the first legislature in the English colonies.

What is the House of Burgesses?


This section of the colonies is made up of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

What are the Middle Colonies?


This was the act that triggered the colonists to disguise themselves as Native Americans and dump 300+ chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.

What is the Tea Act?


This is a term that refers to a group of individuals who wanted to reform the Church of England.

Who are the Puritans?


Not long after the First Continental Congress met, the first two battles of the Revolutionary War occurred. This is one of them.

What is:

- Battle of Lexington

- Battle of Concord


This philosopher influenced the main author of the Declaration of Independence and is responsible for the concept of the social contract.

Who is John Locke?


Georgia was famously called the "Great Failed Experiment" - too bad this guy decided to make it a place where debtors and the poor could start over.

Who is James Oglethorpe?


After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain decided to pay off its debts by having the colonists follow new acts. This is one of them.

What is:

- Stamp Act

- Quartering Act


This is a type of colony where the King controls everything pertaining the colony.

What is a royal colony?


This was the original name for the colony of New York.

What is "New Netherland"?


The Magna Carta was forcibly signed by King John and this was one of the basic political rights it protected ( and was also a popular phrase in the Revolutionary War ).

What is: "No taxation without representation"?


Delaware was created in 1704, but its birth was different from other colonies, as this happened.

What is "breaking off from Pennsylvania"?


After King George repealed the Stamp Act, he and Parliament kindly turned around and passed this act the same day.

What is the Declaratory Act?


This is a group of merchants who create settlements with investors' money.

What is a Joint - Stock Company?


In a social contract, it states that citizens need to give up this to have the government protect their natural rights.

What is freedom?


Parliament was fairly powerful, with everyone being okay with it, until it overthrew this King.

Who is King James II?


Between the two types of workers in the early colonial era, this one had a bit more freedom, as there was only a 5 - 7 year contract and had their way paid for.

What are indentured servants?


This is the name of the pamphlet that convinced colonists to try for independence against Great Britain.

What is Common Sense?


Mercantilism is a theory where a country depends on this.

What is wealth?


Monarchs often created a relationship with their nobles: monarch would give nobles ownership and control of lands & nobles would pledge this.

What is:

- loyalty

- military support
