What is the most common minion in the game?
What is the Wind-up Airship?
What is the name of the Paladin ability you acquire at level 62?
What is Intervention?
What is the name of Cid's airship?
What is The Enterprise?
Who is Masayoshi Soken?
Whose balls?
What is the mount that you can obtain from the Vath beast tribe called?
What is Kongamato?
What is the name of the ability with the highest potency in the game?
What is Technical Step?
(Technical Finish.)
What element is best used to counter the aspect of fire?
What is Wind?
What trial plays the song, "Insanity"?
What is The Crown of the Immaculate?
How do you pronounce our white mage's name?
Cyii Cyii decides whether or not you are correct :).
What are the names of the group of mounts you can obtain from trials in Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers?
What are Lanners, Kamuy, and Gwibers?
What DoH/DoM does not have a single oGCD damaging spell?
What is Black Mage?
What number is Lahabrea associated with?
What is Twelve?
What is the name of the dungeon boss theme in Shadowbringers?
What is Insatiable?
What base model is used for the fat miqo'te in Eulmore?
What is Lalafell?
What is the title that allows you to have special interactions with wind-up type minions called?
What is Mammeteer?
How many Jobs have the ability to heal either themselves or other targets?
(This does not include Role Actions.)
What is Eleven?
What year did Dalamud break at the Battle of Carteneau, causing the Dreadwyrm Bahamut to break free and cause havoc upon Eorzea?
When is the Seventh Umbral Era?
What is the name of the official FFXIV band lead by Masayoshi Soken?
What is The Primals?
What is the name of the normal raidwide damage in e9-12s?
(Not counting e12s phase 2.)
What is Ground-razing Particle Beam, Deepshadow Nova, Burnished Glory, and Maleficium?
How many mounts are obtainable from Savage raids?
What is Eight?
How many different performance instruments does the Bard job have?
What is Twenty Eight?
What is the name of the moogle that bravely leads you to Zenith?
How many orchestration rolls are obtainable from trials?
(Points for getting close.)
What is Forty Five?
What does B.o.P need to improve at?
What is mitigating tank busters?