The largest country in the world.
What is Russia?
The 5 functions of behavior
What is Attention, Sensory, Tangible, Escape, Automatic?
ABA stands for...
Applied Behavior Analysis
How many floating holiday hours does a full-time staff get yearly ?
The place with pizza, games, and a giant mouse
What is Chuck E Cheese
What type of water freezes faster?
What is hot water?
A: BT is attending to a peer
B: Client begins to throw items over the fence while looking at BT
C: BT leaves peer to stop the throwing from client.
What is Attention?
Give an example of ABC Data
what is Antecedent:
The amount of BTs
What is 23.
What is Spaghetti Factory
The humans body largest organ
What is Skin?
A: Circle time is starting
B: Client attempts to go out of the room
C: BT blocks and redirects client to go to his seat
What is Escape?
Example of Positive and Negative reinforcement
Positive: adding to increase bx
Negative: removing to increase bx
The maximum amount of BTs a PC can have is..
The place with the " Tripple Dipper"
What is Chili's?
Three zodiac signs whom are water signs
What is Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio
A: a classmate plays with the Bluey doll
B: the child grabs the Bluey doll from the classmate's hand
C: staff intervenes and has client ask for a turn
What is Tangible?
Give an Example of the Premack Principle
First.... Then....
The number of Courtneys old office
What is 206
The place where you can go quickly from shopping for groceries to going to a farm to see horses.
What is PlayTown
What is Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon?
A: nonpreferred activity is presented (circle time)
B: Client starts to play with his spit by smearing it
C: BT cleans up spit
What is Automatic?
Give an example of fixed ratio.
What is FR1, FR2....?
The company we merged with
Pacific Clinics
2 drive through places your PC enjoys to go eat
What is In-n-out and Chic-fil-a?