"Boom! Wham! Pow!"
"I had a billion things to do for homework"
What is a group of lines in a poem called?
"From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire"
- Robert Frost
What is the pattern of rhyme (end word) called?
Rhyme Scheme
What is the main message or idea of a poem called?
When something happens that is the opposite of what you expect, often in a way that is amusing or strange.
He, she, they them...
Third Person
The words sound the same but do not rhyme perfectly.
Off Rhyme
Words within a line that rhyme.
Internal Rhyme
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"
I, me, my, mine, we, us ,ours...
First Person
This is a poem which celebrates something ordinary
What is the attitude of feeling an author creates in their writing called?
Descriptive language that appeals to the senses to create a vivid mental picture for the reader.
What is a metaphor that continues for several stanzas or the length of a poem called?
Extended metaphor
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me"
-Emily Dickinson
Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables (the rhythm).
You, yours, yourself...this point of view involves the reader.
Second Person
Objects or ideas that you can experience with your five senses.
Concrete Details
Ideas, concepts, or feelings that you cannot directly experience with your senses.
Abstract Details
What do we call a rhyme scheme where alternating lines rhyme with each other?
Ex. "The people along the sand
All turn and look one way.
They turn their back on the land.
They look at the sea all day." - Robert Frost
ABAB rhyme scheme
What are two similar lines of poetry that end on the same sound?
Ex. "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind;
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
- Shakespeare
A funny use of a word that has more than one meaning, or words that sound alike but have different meanings.