Liberal libations lead to nothing but low energy and lots of regret.
What is alliteration?
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
What is iambic pentameter?
Very long poems about the deeds of heroes and gods.
What is an epic?
When the last words of two or more lines rhyme.
What is an end/external rhyme?
Bang! Pop! Pow!
What is onomatopoeia?
Nice bicycles for drive-in movies.
What is assonance?
Tell me not in mournful numbers
What is trochaic tetrameter?
14 lines of rhyming iambic pentameter.
What is a sonnet?
When the last words in two lines almost rhyme, or, when written out, look like they could rhyme.
What is a slant/near rhyme?
When making a comparison WITHOUT using "like" or "as".
What is a metaphor?
Alligators and altos have lots in common.
What is consonance?
Gossiping grasshoppers.
What is dactyl dimeter?
A story about love, usually tragic and passed down orally from bards.
What is a ballad?
I am making a test
Because I'm not sure, maybe,
Not all my students are at their best
But with this test they should be ready!
What is abab?
When a line is broken without finishing a sentence with proper grammar or punctuation.
What is an enjambment?
Piggly wiggly higgeldy piggeldy hickory dickory dock.
What is assonance?
And the sound of a voice that is still
What is anapestic trimeter?
the wind of Fuji
I've brought on my fan
a gift from Edo
What is haiku?
When two words in the same line rhyme.
What is an internal rhyme?
What is hyperbole?
He moved quickly through the cloudy night,
Up from his swampland, sliding silently
Toward that gold-shining hall.
What is alliteration?
This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pine and the hemlocks
What is dactylic hexameter?
There once was a baby named Lou,
And he grew and he grew and he grew
And he grew and he grew
And he grew and he grew,
But he stopped when he reached six foot two.
What is a limerick?
A four-line stanza that has an abab rhyme scheme.
What is a heroic quatrain?
"Oh, Sun: my old friend. You extend your fingers through my blinds every morning, gently waking me up."
What is apostrophe?