Why Are There So Many Poems about Seasons?
Who Actually Reads
This Stuff?
Images and Imagery
Ahhhhh Memories
More Cloud Poems, Really?

This poem looked at the cycle of the four seasons much like the life cycle of a human being?

What is "The Human Seasons" by John Keats?


This Romantic poet's wife is a far more famous writer perhaps inspired by an idea that a live with a monster made from human body parts would be easier than reading one more poem about clouds?

Who is Percy Shelley?


The expanse of sky and endless clouds moved William Wrodsworth to write this relatively short poem 

What is "I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud"?


Samuel Taylor Coldridge remembered fond childhood memories of playing by a brook in this poem?

What is "Sonnet to the River Otter"?


Percy Shelley's used this literary device to give his cloud a personality and human characterists that might have made the cloud more interesting to talk to than him?

What is personification?


This four part poem looked at the seasonal cycle with a sense of the natural worlds effects on human action and what people do based upon the time of year?

What is "Ode To The Seasons" by William Blake?


This Romantic poet wrote about seasons, but baseball season might be his favorite season if he ever saw the movie Bull Durham?

Who is William Blake?


These three elements help us to better understand the cadence and musical quality of any poem?

What are: Rhythm, Meter, and Rhyme Scheme?


What very simple little creature triggers a series of memories, maybe good, maybe sad, for William Wordsworth while he sits in a meadow?

What is a butterfly?

It is feathery autumn clouds that bring crisp weather in this poem by Willian Blake?

What is "Ode To The Seasons"?


The author and of this poem would agree that Kid Rock wrote a really bad song about the same subject of one of his most famous poems?

Who is "William Blake"? Ode To The Seasons is the poem, Summer.


When this poet was born people no doubt thought he would be a founder of the Romantic movement because of his tendency to draw inspiration from the natural world around him, and his name sounds like a poet's name? 

Who is William Wordsworth?


In "Ode To The Seasons" William Blake makes reference to Mount Hecla, an Icelantic volcano. When an author references other places or people or events form history, mythology, or other subjects this is an example of.... ?

What is allusion?


Wordsworth wrote this poem after sitting in a grove of trees worrying about the state of humanity and just said: "Why do something about the world's problems when you can just write a poem about it?"

What is "Lines Written In Early Spring"?


Wordsworth really like clouds as imagery for his peoms but he also created some some nice imagery using these flowers in "I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud"?

What are daffodils?


Much like a film from the DC univers, this poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge has many allusions to the world of classical mythology.

What is "Lines To A Beautiful Wpring In a Village"?


This style of 14 line poetry is typically about love. Do not confuse it with a love song of the 1980s!

What is a sonnet? Not a ballad!


Samel Coldridge used a wealth of human action to show the happiness of Spring in this poem?

What is "Lines To A Beautiful Spring In A Village"?

Comparisons between our sense of human time and time as measured by a flowing stream or brook are a theme in this poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge?

What is "Sonnet To A River Otter?"


"The Cloud" is able to be as long as it is in part because Percy Shelley uses this meter to set the rhythm of the poem?

What is iambic pentameter?


Despite dieing at a very young age, John Keats gave us this positive but succinct view of the four seasons as the life cycle of a man

What is: "The Human Seasons"?


These artists believed that people could learn a great deal by exploring elements of the Natural World? They were also a rock band in the early 1980s?

Who are The Romantics?


Believe it or not but the use of this poetic tool was a fairly new thing by the Romantics. Before this, most poems dealt with the internal emotional or thought processes of people.

What is sensory imagery?


William Wordsworth remembers how differently time used to pass duirng childhood in this poem that takes place in a meadow?

What is "To A Butterfly"?


The relationship between clouds and these other elements of nature help to set evening moods is both Shelley's "The Cloud" and Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud"?

What are the Moon and Stars?
