Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
What is rhyme?
A poem consisting of 7 lines that centers on a distinct contrast
What is a diamante poem?
The term that refers to the example, "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?"
What is a metaphor?
The term that refers to "roar," "meow," "woof."
What is onomatopia?
The term that refers to, "That was a piece of cake."
What is idiom?
When two words don't technically rhyme, but are very close
What is a slant rhyme?
A three line poem from Japan
What is a haiku poem?
The poem that that has a syllable patten of 2-4-6-8-2
What is a cinquain poem syllable pattern?
The term that refers to,"It's raining cats and dog."
What is a metaphor?
Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme
What is a free verse?
Words/phrases repeated in writings to give emphasis, rhythm, and/or a sense of ergency.
What is repetition?
A poem consisting of 5 lines with a focus on the number of syllables
What is a limerick poem?
The term that refers to the poem, "Books have powers over me, Inside a book I am not free."
What is a couplet poem?
The term that refers to, "The camera loves me!"
What is personification?
The rhyming of words at the end of a poem
What is end rhyme?
A regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
What is a meter?
A poem, also known as a quintain or quintet, that has five lines
What is a cinquain poem?
The term that refers to the example, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
What is alliteration?
The term that refers to, "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain."
What is assonance?
Exaggeration used to provide emphasis on an idea
What is hyperbole?
The repetition of initial constant sounds
What is alliteration?
A songlike narrative poem, using rhyme, rhythm, and refrain
What is a ballad poem?
What term refers to the saying, "The autumn leaves are a blanket on the ground."
What is imagrey?
The term that refers to, "I dropped the locket in the thick muck."
What is consonence?
A poem that has 14 fourteen lines and is written in iambic pentameter
What is sonnent?