A comparison of two unlike things using like or as
What is a simile
A three line poem that follows a syllable pattern of 5-7-5.
The paragraphs in poetry.
What are stanzas
The phrase "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" is an example of this poetry term in the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night
What is a refrain.
The last words of two or more lines in a poem rhyme.
What is end rhyme.
A comparison of two unlike things by saying one thing IS the other.
What is a metaphor
A poem that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme.
What is a free verse poem.
This punctuation mark demonstrates a line break when writing out poetry.
What is a slash.
Sonnet 18 uses this to compare a loved person to the Summer.
What is an extended metaphor.
Words in a single line of poetry that rhyme with each other.
What is internal rhyme.
An object, character, or event that is given meaning beyond its literal sense.
What is a symbol.
A humorous 5 line poem that follows a rhyme scheme of AABBA
What is a limerick
Patterns of rhymes at the end of two or more lines in a poem.
What is a rhyme scheme.
The rose in Tupac Shakur's poem, Concrete Rose is a symbol for this word/trait.
What is resilience
Words that appear like they should rhyme based on their spelling, but don't.
Someone saying "you're my kryptonite" is an example of this.
What is an allusion
A 14 line poem typically written in iambic pentameter.
What is a sonnet.
Two lines of poetry that rhyme and have the same meter.
What is a couplet.
"History has its eyes on us" is an example of this.
What is personification.
The ending sounds of words that are similar but not quite the same.
What is slant rhyme.
The repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words.
What is assonance.
A poem that tells a story in a song-like fashion and follows a specific rhyme scheme.
What is a ballad.
What is an iamb
"We grieved we grew" is an example of this
What is alliteration.
The structure of iambic pentameter.
What is a pattern of 10 syllables per line, unstressed then stressed.