What is comparison using like or as.
A group of lines in a poem
What is a stanza?
That test was a piece of cake
What is an idiom?
This term refers to the repetition of consonants at the beginning of words
What is alliteration?
What is a comparison that does not use like or as.
Summer sun sent some sunbeams
what is alliteration
The rhyme scheme:
the cat
in the hat
said that
he saw a rat.
What is AAAA?
I've told you a million times to clean your room
What is a hyperbole?
Her feet were as big as an elephants
What is a simile?
What is a non-human acting human.
Cat and Hat are this type of rhyme
End Rhyme
The poem that tells a story
What is a ballad?
Break a leg!
What is an idiom?
The sun stretched its arms across the sky
What is personification?
Her laughter is music to my ears.
What is a metaphor?
Two words that almost rhyme
The poem that has 14 lines and a rhyme scheme
What is a sonnet?
If I don't do my homework, they'll kill me!
What is a hyperbole?
A group of 2 rhyming lines
What is a couplet?
The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
What is personification?
Wake and wait are examples of...
What is a slant rhyme?
The type of poem Shakespeare is most known for.
What is the sonnet?
It's raining cats and dogs
strong weak strong weak strong weak strong
What is iambic pentameter?