A compact Language with ideas that are conveyed in a few words.
It is the Oldest of the arts. Long before people learned to write, they sang or recited lines of verses
A short poem, usually melodious, which expresses feelings or emotions. many lyrics are about death or love. other lyrics are emotional responses to the beauty or the elemental forces of nature
Lyric Poetry
One of the sound devices used often in poetry
The rise and fall in the stress of syllables.
A Spanish poet and mystic who taught theology.
Luis Ponce de Leon
this may present an idea, paint a picture, or express an emotion. This tells a story in poetic form.
Narrative Poetry
Repetition of the same consonant sounds, usually of the initial consonant, in words that immediately follow each other
Refers to the similarity of the sound of words.
A Swedish poet, historian, and professor of history.
Erik Gustaf Geijer
A formal poem having complex stanza patterns, and it is addressed to an object or an idea
Use of words whose sounds suggest their meanings. When a poet wants the words of the poems to sound like what is being described, they choose the words for their sounds.
The poet has a message about life that he/she wants to share with the reader
Sense creates the poem
One of the most remarkable lyric poets of Germany
Heinrich Heine
poem mourning someone’s death. It is solemn and dignified. It may lament the death of a someone famous, a friend, or an acquaintance.
Repeated vowel sounds
It is the regular pattern of accented and unaccented syllables.
The acknowledged master in poetry as well as in drama and the novel during his long lifetime.
Victor Hugo
It is different from all other lyrics because its precisely defined.
It must have 14 lines, the lines must be in iambic pentameter, and the lines must rhyme in a fixed pattern
a statement that appears to be contradictory. It pairs two direct opposites as if both could be true