Poetry Terms
Poetry analysis
Poetry analysis #2
RAP Practice #1
RAP practice #2
Giving human characteristics to non-human things
What is personification?

The lazy cat lies in the sun, A purring engine softly hums. Its fur is a blanket, warm and snug, As it dreams of fields and mice to hug.

What figurative language is used to describe the cat in the poem?

"A purring engine softly hums" (Metaphor)


Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk. May no toad spy you, May the little birds pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.

What two sound devices can you find in the poem?

  • Rhyme: "furry" and "hurry"; "by you" and "spy you"


Buzzing in the garden, here and there, Busy little bee without a care. Gathering nectar from each flower, Working hard hour by hour.

What is the theme of "The Busy Bee"? (RAP)

The theme of "The Busy Bee" is hard work. I know this because of the phrase "Busy little bee". 


Drip, drop on the window pane, The sound of rain is never plain. Puddles form and children play, In the rain, they dance all day.

What is the theme of "The Rainy Day"? (RAP)

The theme is joy. I know this because the children have joy and playfulness despite gloomy weather.

Repetition of beginning sounds, whether consonants or vowels.
What is alliteration?

The lazy cat lies in the sun, A purring engine softly hums. Its fur is a blanket, warm and snug, As it dreams of fields and mice to hug.

How is personification used to describe the cat? 

The cat is personified as dreaming.


Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk. May no toad spy you, May the little birds pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.

What figurative language is used in the poem? (e.g., metaphor, simile)

Metaphor: "Spin and die, To live again" implies transformation beyond literal death.


Buzzing in the garden, here and there, Busy little bee without a care. Gathering nectar from each flower, Working hard hour by hour.

What is the alliteration emphasizing in this poem? (RAP)

The alliteration of using "Busy" and "buzzing" emphasize the constant activity of the bee. I know this because it says the bee is gathering nectar and working hard. 


Drip, drop on the window pane, The sound of rain is never plain. Puddles form and children play, In the rain, they dance all day.

What does "drip, drop" emphasize the poem's mood?

"Drip, drop" emphasize the poem's mood of constant presence of rain. I know this because the end of the poem says it rained all day.


words that sound like what is named Examples: 1. Boom 2. Pow

What is Onomatopoeia?


The lazy cat lies in the sun, A purring engine softly hums. Its fur is a blanket, warm and snug, As it dreams of fields and mice to hug.

Identify two sound devices in the poem (e.g., alliteration, rhyme).

 Alliteration ("lazy cat lies"), Rhyme (sun/hums, snug/hug)


Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk. May no toad spy you, May the little birds pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.

Who is the poet? Who is the speaker? How do you know?

  • Poet: Christina Rossetti.

  • Speaker: An observer of nature, possibly a child or someone with a simplistic view of the world, inferred from the playful and innocent tone.


Buzzing in the garden, here and there, Busy little bee without a care. Gathering nectar from each flower, Working hard hour by hour.

In verse 2, what does the poet suggest when they repeat "busy"? (RAP)

In verse 2, the poet suggest by repeat "busy" the non-stop work and energy of the bee. I know this because it says, "working hard hour by hour". 


Drip, drop on the window pane,

 The sound of rain is never plain.

 Puddles form and children play,

 In the rain, they dance all day.

What does the poet emphasize by using rhyme in the verses 1 and 3?

The rhyme emphasizes the playful and rhythmic quality of the poem. I know this because the poem says, "children play... they dance all day". 


visually descriptive or figurative language

What is imagery?


The ocean roars with all its might, Crashing waves in the moonlight. A giant's breath and a lion's roar, Echoing tales from distant shores.

How is personification used to describe the ocean?

The ocean is personified as roaring.


Once there was an elephant, Who tried to use the telephant— No! No! I mean an elephone Who tried to use the telephone— (Dear me! I am not certain quite That even now I've got it right.) However it was, he got his trunk Entangled in the telephunk; The more he tried to get it free, The louder buzzed the telephee— I fear I'd better drop the song Of elephop and telephong!

What two sound devices are present in the poem?

  • Rhyme: "elephant" and "telephant"; "trunk" and "telephunk"

  • Alliteration: "tried to use the telephant"


Buzzing in the garden, here and there,

 Busy little bee without a care. 

'Gathering nectar from each flower, 

Working hard hour by hour.

Why does poet uses rhyme in the verses 1 and 2?

The poet uses rhyme in verses 1 and 2 to create a musical flow that mimics the bee's movement. I know this because in the story the bee is moving around working. 



What is theme? Give an example. (need both correct for points)

The message or lesson of the story.


friendship, kindness, caring, hard work, forgiveness, survival, courage., good versus evil, etc. 


Repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis

What is repetition? 


The ocean roars with all its might, Crashing waves in the moonlight. A giant's breath and a lion's roar, Echoing tales from distant shores.

Identify two sound devices in the poem (e.g., alliteration, rhyme). 

Alliteration ("ocean roars"), Rhyme (might/light, roar/shores)


Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf, or stalk. May no toad spy you, May the little birds pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly.

What figurative language is used in the poem? (e.g., metaphor, simile)

Metaphor: "Spin and die, To live again" implies transformation beyond literal death.


Bonus: What is an example of alliteration?


Alliteration is a repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Teacher, please choose all that have an alliteration. 


Trick question... (same amount of points). 

What is one sound device that you may use in a poem?




