Boom is an example of
What is onomatopoeia?
A type of poem with no rules
What is free verse?
What devices uses 'like' or 'as'?
What is simile?
An old white guy who tried to make a joke about choice and ended up writing a poem that students took seriously
Who is Robert Frost?
Whagt rhyme scheme is used here?
But I'm too messy
And then I'm too f***in' clean
You told me get a job
Then you ask where the hell I've been
Pickled peppers is an example of
What is alliteration?
What type of poem follows a very specific syllabic pattern and is typically about nature?
What is haiku?
What device applies human traits to non-human things?
What is personification?
An old white guy who wrote ab out loss in a sarcastic way and ended up writing one of the saddest beautiful poems.
Who is W.H Auden?
This Whitney Houston song follows the format of what kind of poetry?
What is a ballad.
Go slow over the road is an example of
What is assonance?
What is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme?
What is a sonnet?
The term used for exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally.
What is hyperbole?
An old white guy who wrote about death and fighting against the end.
Who is Dylan Thomas?
What poetic device is strongly used in the song 'Funkytown'?
What is repetition?
He laughed then coughed is an example of
What is consonance?
Identify the form: a 19-line poem with a specific repetition pattern.
What is a villanelle?
The attitude of the author is reflected in their writing
What is tone?
An old white guy who focvusses on the dark and macabe.
Who is Edgar Allen Poe?
Kanye Wests 'Guilt Trip' lyrics “Star Wars fur, yeah I’m rocking Chewbacca” utilize what poetic device?
What is Allusion?
The smooth grooves of the music moved me, while the wind whisked the leaves away is an example of
What is both assonance and consonance?
A poem about loss
What is elegy?
Three devices that focus on sound and letters used
What are assonance, consonance and alliteration?
An old white guy who wrote about an Albatross
Who is Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
Katrina and The Waves "I'm Walknig on Sunshine' creates BLANK through the lyrics and melody
What is mood?