This is an author’s specific word choice to convey a meaning
What is Diction?
This is the order of stressed and unstressed syllables for an Iambic Pattern
What is 1 unstressed + 1 stressed?
This is the rhyme scheme for this poem:
Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me;
Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings
And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.
What is AA BB?
This is a comparison of two things using like or as
What is a Simile?
This is the order of stressed and unstressed syllables for an Dactylic Pattern
What is 1 stressed + 2 unstressed?
Words such as Boom and Tingling fall under this category of literary elements.
What is Onomatopoeia?
This is an expression with less strength than expected.
What is an Understatement?
This is the full meter name for this line of poetry:
By the / shores of / Gitche / Gumee
What is Trochaic Tetrameter?
"Heart of me weeps" is an example of this poetic term
What is personification?
This poem has this type of rhyme:
It runs through the reed
And away it proceeds,
Through meadow and glade,
In sun and in shade.
What is End Rhyme?
This is the full meter name for a poem with 5 foot per line, and each foot is 2 unstressed + 1 stressed syllables.
What is Anapestic Pentameter?
Words such as Insidious, Betrays, and clamour are words used to give the reader this.
What is Negative Connotation?
This is a common type of near rhyme that consists of identical consonant sounds preceded by different vowel sounds
What is Consonance?
Daily Double!!!
Name both the type of poem and what type of poetic feet are within this poem:
Is it me or the nature of money
That’s odd and peculiar? Funny,
But when I have dough,
It goes quickly, you know,
And seeps out of my pockets like honey.
What is a Limerick and Anapestic?
This is where the tone shifts occur in the poem "Piano"
Where is after every Stanza?