What is a shape poem?
A shape poem is a type of poetry that describes an object and is shaped the same as the object that the poem is describing.
What is a paragraph in poetry called?
What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.
Words that imitate sounds.
Crash, bang, splash, drip....
What is personification? Give an example.
Personification gives inanimate objects and animals the ability to have human traits, emotions and feelings.
What does this metaphor mean?
"This performance is garbage."
The performance is bad.
What poetry form is this?
There was a fat lady of Clyde
Whose shoelaces once came untied. She feared that to bend
Would show her rear end,
So she cried and cried and she cried.
Circle the end-stopped lines in this poem.
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
Give an example of alliteration.
Tim tam, Jack and Jill...
What is a simile? Provide an example.
Similes compare one thing to another using words, such as "like", "than" or "as".
What is the term for "word choice"?
Explain the features of a haiku.
What are they about?
How many lines?
How many syllables?
Do they rhyme or not?
- about an aspect of nature or the seasons
- three lines
- 5,7,5 syllables (17 in total)
- they do not rhyme
What is enjambment? What is it's purpose?
The ‘running over’ of a line or thought into the next line without a strong pause or break.
Stretches out a thought, emphasises words and creates a cliffhanger.What is this an example of?
I wish the cushion was in better shape.
Consonance - 'sh' sound.
What technique is this an example of?
The winter wind is a wolf howling at the door.
Determine the rhyme scheme in this poem.
A delinquent who lived on his own
Attempted to take out a loan
When the banker said "no",
The man asked with great woe
How his library fees had been known.
Fill in the blank:
Black out poetry is a form of ______ poetry.
Black out poetry is a form of found poetry.
What is caesura? What is it's purpose?
An audible pause or break in a line of poetry, usually marked by some form of punctuation.
It creates a contrast between the two parts of the line and allows the reader to take in the information and reflect on it.
Why do poets use repetition?
Emphasise a feeling or idea, develop a sense of urgency or create the intended mood (feeling).
The softness of the rose petals brushed against my skin before the intense stab of the thorns cut my finger.
Explain what is a theme.
A theme is a key idea or underlying meaning/message of a poem.
- 7 lines
- first line: one word that states the season
- each line relates to one of the five senses
- last line: one word that states the season again
End rhyme, half/part rhyme and internal rhyme.
Does assonance generally slow down a line or speed it up?
Speeds it up.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
What is gustatory imagery?
Imagery that appeals to taste.
books, school, greeting cards, eulogy, headstones, rap/music, performances/theatre, memes, nursery rhymes, diary entries....