Simile or Metaphor
Parts of a Poem
Poetic Language
Understanding Poems

Does this poem use simile or metaphor?

Mom’s Embrace

By Michele Meleen

My mom is like a cloud,

Comfortable and strong.

I am like a raindrop

She keeps safe and sound.

They are similes: My Mom is like a cloud; I am like a raindrop.

A simile is a comparison using

 “like” or “as.”


What do you call a section of a poem (like its paragraphs)?

A Stanza


What is a saying that doesn’t mean exactly what it says?



What is the theme of this poem?


By Coral Rumble

When teams are picked, for playground games,

I never seem to hear my name.

I stand and watch the choices made

And, one by one, my hopes all fade.

I look around, and force a smile,

Lean on the chain-link fence awhile.

I say, as they all race away, I didn’t really want to play,

But, deep inside the pit of me, I ache an ache no one can see.

We sometimes hide our feelings when we are feeling sad.


What is the type of language that authors use that doesn't mean exactly what is say?

Figurative Language


Is this a simile or a metaphor?

The Basketball

By Stacy Zeiger

The basketball is an airplane,

It flies down the court heading

Straight for the basket.

It is a metaphor: The basketball is an airplane

A metaphor is a comparison that does not use “like” or “as.”


What is a group of words arranged in a row?

A line


What type of figurative language is being used in this poem?

Eat Wisely

By Alan L. Loren

Franks and fries, and French fondue

Beans and burgers and biscuits too

Chicken, chili, and cheddar cheese

When I munch too much, I always sneeze!



What is the theme of this poem?

All My Great Excuses

By Kenn Nesbitt

I started on my homework

But my pen ran out of ink.

My hamster ate my homework.

My computer’s on the blink.


I worked on these excuses

so darned long my teacher said,

“I think you’ll find it easier

to do the work instead.”

Instead of slacking off on your work, and coming up with excuses, it’s probably easier to just do it, and get it over with!


What is the language used when the word or line means exactly what it says (dictionary definition)?

Literal Language


Are these similes or metaphors?

Apple of My Eye

By Denise Rodgers

You’re the apple of my eye,

The wisdom of my tooth.

You’re the shot heard ‘round the world

And that’s the honest truth!

There are 3 metaphors: You are the apple of my eye; wisdom of my tooth; shot heard ’round the world.

A metaphor is a comparison that does not use “like” or “as.”

The ”apple of my eye” is also an idiom, a folk expression that does not have a factual meaning.


What is the poetry device for when two words sound the same at the end?



What type of figurative language is being used?


By Abbie Farwell Brown

The Sunshine flickers through the lace

Of leaves above my head,

And kisses me upon the face

Like Mother, before bed.

The Wind comes stealing o’er the grass

To whisper pretty things.



What is this poem trying to say? What does it mean?

Underneath my outside face

There’s a face that none can see.

A little less smiley,

A little less sure,

But a whole lot more like me.

We sometimes hide our feelings by putting on “a brave face.”


What is anaphora?

the repetition of words at the start of a series of lines in a poem


Are these similes or metaphors?

The Carrot Eater

By Alan L. Loren

She is a real bunny,

that Sally Kincaid

Always on the hunt for carrots

be they in the garden,

or from someplace foreign

she’ll eat them like so many rabbits.

It is a metaphor: She is a real bunny

A metaphor is a comparison that does not use “like” or “as.”

But, there is a simile in the last line:

She’ll eat them like so many rabbits


What is the pattern of beats or a series of stressed or unstressed syllables?



What type of figurative language is being used?

The Rollercoaster

By Kelly Roper

Clickety-clackety, clickety-clackety,

The rollercoaster went up the track.

With a whoosh and a squeal

Down the smooth rails of steel,

The rollercoaster raced its way back.



What is this poem about?

If You Were a Rhinoceros

By Jack Prelutsky

If you were a rhinoceros,

I still would be your friend.

And if you were a platypus,

our friendship would not end.

I’d like you as a walrus,

camel, cat, or kangaroo.

It doesn’t matter what you are –

I’ll still be friends with you.

You can be friends with anyone, even if they are different from you.


What are the two types of point of view we have mentioned as a class?

Give an example of both

First person and third person


Are these similes or metaphors?

True Friend

By Ashley Campbell

A friend is like a star that twinkles and glows

Or maybe like the ocean that gently flows.

A friend is like gold that you should treasure

And take care of forever and ever.

They are similes: A friend is like a star; or maybe like the ocean.

A simile is a comparison using

 “like” or “as.”


What do you call the pattern of poetry lines that sound alike?

Rhyme Scheme


What type of figurative language is being used?

Welcome to our restaurant

Where everything’s gigantic.

A hundred waiters hold one dish.

Our kitchen can get frantic.

Our soup is deeper than the sea.

Our noodles stretch a mile.



What is this poem trying to say? What does it mean?

X-Box, X-Box

By Kenn Nesbitt

Xbox, Xbox,

you’re the one for me.

I also love my 3DS

and my Nintendo Wii.

Game Cube, Game Boy,

Apple iPod Touch.

I never thought I would ever

be in love this much.

You can be “in love” with your video games.


What is the vocabulary word that means to form a picture of in the mind?

