In the late nineteenth century, Masauka Shiki revived the two classic Japanese traditional poetic forms of tanka and this
What is haiku?
Emily Dickinson: "Because I could not stop for death/ He kindly stopped for me/ The carriage held but just ourselves/ And ____"
What is immortality?
An epic poem that begins by talking about a hero's travels gave us this word for a journey
What is odyssey?
If you've tabled an issue, you've put it on this proverbial, alliterative spot, where it can simmer
What is the back burner?
This song mentions "purple mountain majesties"
What is "America the Beautiful"?
William Carlos Williams' "The Red" this was inspired by the sight of one surrounded by white chickens in a backyard
What is a wheelbarrow?
A-B-A-B is an example of this, which sounds like a devious plan
What is rhyme scheme?
Saying "That went well" after a disaster is an example of the verbal type of this
What isa irony?
This word identifies how a reader feels while reading a piece.
What is mood?
These include similes, metaphors & puns
What are figures of speech?
Ben Jonson began a classic love poem with the anatomically impossible request, "Drink to me only with thine" these
What are eyes?
This word identifies how the speaker/author feels in a piece.
What is tone?
In the first line of Canadian officer John McCrae's WWI poem "In Flanders Fields", we see these flowers "blow between the crosses"
What are poppies?
Wilfred Owen's poems about this conflict include "Spring Offensive" & "Anthem for Doomed Youth"--of which, sadly, he was one
What is World War I?
Paronomasia, from the Greek for "A play on words", is the rhetorical term for this 3-letter word
What is a pun?
In "The Raven", the name of this lost love rhymes with "before", "adore" & more
What is Lenore?
This novel's title was taken from a famous Scottish poem about a farmer and a tiny mammal?
What is Of Mice and Men?
Figure of speech in which inanimate objects are given human qualities
What is personification?
Of this type of poem, Shakespeare was keen / Its number of lines totals fourteen
What is a sonnet?
Emma Lazarus wrote "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" to raise funds for the pedestal of this
What is the Statue of Liberty?
Identify the figurative language used in the following:
"Her love is like a red, red rose)
What is a simile?
From Greek "to throw beyond", an extravagant statement like "the Emmy telecast was 3 years long"
What is hyperbole?
A poem about these title insects "in the Garden" uses this metaphor: "Here come real stars to fill the upper skies"
What are fireflies?
An aside in a speech said to an imaginary person, it's also the superscript sign in this clue
What is apostrophe?
"It's raining" these means it's coming down hard, not that there's a deluge of Angoras & Akitas
What are cats and dogs?