Poetry written with regular meter and unrhymed lines
What is blank verse?
A single row of text within poetry
What is Line?
The beat of the poem
What is rhythm?
She gave the big dog a hug
What is consonance?
She is as bright as the sun
What is a simile?
A poem that does not have a regular rhythm or rhyme
What is a free verse?
The end of a line and beginning of a new line in poetry
What is line break?
The ordered pattern of rhyme at the end of a line of poetry
What is rhyme scheme?
Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
What is alliteration?
You are a Grinch if you dont like Christmas!
What is allusion?
A poem consisting of 14 lines
What is sonnet?
An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers.
What is soliloquy?
A paragraph in poetry
What is stanza?
The repetition of initial consonant sounds
What is alliteration?
The sun spoke to me softly.
What is personification?
Japanese poem that consists of 3 lines with 17 syllables.
What is Haiku?
A poem that tells a story, using poetic techniques like rhyme and rhythm. Include characters, plot, setting
What is Narrative?
A pair of lines in poetry of a similar length that rhyme
What is couplet?
The repetition of vowel sounds
What is assonance?
Music is medicine to my soul.
What is Metaphor?
A long speech by one actor in a play or movie
A lengthy narrative poem that tells the story of a heros adventure
What is Epic?
The pattern of repeated stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
What is meter?
The repetition of consonant sounds
What is consonance?
Your friend says "Break a leg" before you perform
What is Idiom?