Clip 1
The Wii
Harry Potter
He's not tall, doesn't have pointy ears but is also not green and mean.
A very angry rant about one's ability that is 287 words long.
The navy seal copy pasta
This animal will explode when exposed to forest fires.
Koalas, due to the high amounts of eucalyptus they ingest which is highly flammable.
Clip 2
The DS
Remember when this was the best show ever ten years ago ? Now we pretend it doesn't exist.
Game of thrones
An incantation to turn one's reproductive organs into a common food item
An Asian man needs emergency medical assistance.
"In Japan, heart surgeon, the best" - The office
This animal routinely eats their young when kept as pets, generally due to stress.
Clip 3
Playstation 1
People got really outraged over a bat with barbed wire on it.
The walking dead
In comedic montages, what one would point out as a cheap way to be funny.
"There's vomit on his sweater already"
Eminem - Lose yourself
Clip 4
The original Xbox
I cannot believe this is being taken off netflix, this is outrageous.
The office
A short cartoon strip using a set of pre-made cartoon faces, which usually express a simple emotion or activity.
Rage comics
A boy has a fight with his father over his hero. Said hero pays him a "visit" that night.
Shrek is love, Shrek is life
It has become such a pain to regulate that there is an acceptable amount of these in food.
Clip 5
Sega Dreamcast
The main character is a cynical drug addict with a limp
House M.D
A type of video mashup or edit created by remixing/editing pre-existing media sources often carrying subcultural significance into a new video for humorous, satirical, obscene and profane, as well as annoying, confusing, scary, shocking, surreal, or dramatic purposes.
Youtube Poops
A glimpse into the wonderful world of Yahoo! answers.
How is prangent formed
The reason this animal is so common is because we used to eat it.