What test do you have to take or exempt in order to enter the education program?
GACE Program Admission Assessment
When you enter the teaching program
What do you do at the end of the day
Get enough sleep
How many weeks do classes last?
10 weeks with a 5 week lab
Non-Certified Teacher Program
Something that begins to help you make ethical choices
Ethics Entry
When you keep a steady 2.8 or above GPA and have a C or above in all education classes
How do you fuel your body
Do you have the same class everyday?
No, classes alternate between Monday and Wednesday classes and Tuesday and Thursday Classes
Pre-K through 5th grade certification
What assessment tests your knowledge of content in your concentration areas?
GACE Content
12 week laboratory experience in your field
Student teaching
How do you pass your classes?
study and complete assignments on time
What day do we not have class at Point?
4th - 8th grade certification
Middle Grades
What tests your ethical decisions making skills and choices?
Ethics Exit
You have completed all program and state requirements
Certified teacher
How do you become a well rounded person in college?
Try something new and go outside your comfort zone
What year do you start entering schools for laboratory experiences?
Junior year
6th - 12th grade certification
Secondary Education
What is the most involved test a candidate takes in order to become a certified teacher?
Your first 3 years of teaching
Inductee teacher
How to make memories/connections in college?
Introduce yourself to new people and making friends
What endorsement do you get at Point when you finish your education?
ESOL Endorsement
New major soon to be added that certifies students in Prek -12
Collaborative Special Education