Venomous or non-venomous?
What poisonous spider made this bite? This spider likes basements, garages, hides behind boards and boxes, and in piles of towels and clothes... not very aggressive, but will bite when threatened or injured.
brown recluse
What type of poisonous plant is this?
Poison oak
What type of caterpillar am I and am I poisonous?
Monarch, no
Venomous or nonvenomous?
What category of snake is this?
pit viper
What type of spider am I and am I poisonous?
Black widow, yes.
What type of poison plant am I?
Poison sumac
What caterpillar am I and am I poisonous?
Gypsy moth, no
What type of spider am I?
Male black widow
What type of snake am I?
Timber rattlesnake
What type of spider am I and am I venomous?
Brown recluse, yes.
I am a poisonous plant that can climb, if burned can carry the poison into the air, has spoon-shaped leaves, and can cause a blistering rash.
Poison ivy
What type of caterpillar am I and am I poisonous?
Buckmoth, YES
Identify three different things you are supposed to do when you are bitten by a snake.
What type of snake am I?
Name this spider and tell me if it is poisonous or not:
Wolf spider, not poisonous.
What type of plant am I and am I poisonous?
Virginia creeper, no
What type of caterpillar am I and am I poisonous?
Io moth, yes
Identify three things you are NOT supposed to do when you are bitten by a snake... These are things a person might THINK they should do, but should not do.
What type of snake am I?
What type of spider am I and am I poisonous?
black widows, YES
These plants grow naturally and people enjoy eating them, but the poisonous kind are VERY EASILY mistaken for the kind that is edible. Only a mycologist can tell the difference, so play it safe and don't eat any of these if you find them.
Out of these caterpillars, which one is NOT poisonous?
When I send poison, it is usually feels like a bee sting. You may get nauseous in the first few hours. I will cause irritation that can last 1-2 days. I like to spend my time on shade trees and ornamental trees and bushes. What am I?
a poisonous caterpillar