What to look for swallowed poisoning?
An open container of poison nearby/ burns around the mouth/ increased production of saliva or an abnormal colored saliva/ vomiting, abdominal cramps/ a burning sensation in mouth throat or stomach.
What plants in Canada are known for absorbed poisoning?
Poison Ivy, poison Sumac, poison Oak/ Giant Hogweed/ Wild Parsnip
What to look for alcohol poisoning?
confusion/ vomiting/ seizures/slow or irregular breathing/ low body temperature( hypothermia)/ unresponsiveness.
If bitten by an animal, what to do and which disease you might get?
Call your local animal control department if the animal is wild or stray/Try to get the person away from the animal, don't try to capture it/ Treat any wounds/seek medical attention if the animal is stray or unknown to you or you suspect it might have rabies./ watch for the signs and symptoms of infection/ Rabies
What to do for swallowed poisoning?
If the person is responsive, alert, with normal ABCs call Poison Control Centre(800-332-1414 or 811)/ If altered level of responsiveness or breathing difficulty call 911/check the packaging of the poison to know it/don't induce vomiting unless told to do so/ bring a sample of poison or it's container to hospital, if the the person needs to go to hospital.
What to do for absorbed poisoning?
If the person is responsive, alert, with normal ABCs call Poison Control Centre(800-332-1414 or 811)/ If altered level of responsiveness or breathing difficulty call 911
what to do for alcohol poisoning?
Call EMS/911 and get an AED/ Roll the person to recovery position/ carefully monitor the person until the EMS personnel arrive as his condition may deteriorate rapidly.
What to do for insect stings?
Call EMS/911 and get an AED if there are any signs of a severe allergic reaction/ If the stinger is still imbedded scrape it away from the skin(with a card)/ Apply cold pack/ watch for the signs of anaphylaxis
What are the signs and symptoms of Carbon monoxide poisoning?
Headache, light-headedness, confusion or altered level of responsiveness, chest pain, muscle cramps, Nausea/ vomiting,
Signs of Injected poisoning are?
A needle found nearby/one or more puncture sites/ Redness and swelling at the entry point/ Breathing problem
What to look for Opioid (heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl) poisoning?
slowed breathing or no breathing/chest tightness/Extreme drowsiness or unresponsiveness/ small pupils
What are the venomous spider bites in Canada, and what to do for those bites?
Black Widow and Brown Recluse
Call EMS or 911 if you suspect bite from these/ Have the person rest quietly/ Apply Cold pack wrapped in a thin, dry towel.
What to do for inhaled poisoning?
If the person is responsive, alert, with normal ABCs call Poison Control Centre(800-332-1414 or 811)/ If altered level of responsiveness or breathing difficulty call 911/If the person is not breathing start CPR/Move the person to fresh air, but don't enter a hazardous atmosphere yourself to do so.
What to do for Injected poisoning?
If the person is responsive, alert, with normal ABCs call Poison Control Centre(800-332-1414 or 811)/ If altered level of responsiveness or breathing difficulty call 911 and get an AED/ clean the puncture site with clean running water/ Keep the person still
What to do for Opioid poisoning?
Call EMS/911 and get an AED/If the person is unresponsive and not breathing, begin CPR. Don't delay the CPR treatment to give Naloxone/ If the person is unresponsive but is breathing and if you have the training in it's use, give the person Naloxone by reading the instructions/ Keep monitoring until EMS arrive/ Proper Medical care.
Care for Tick bite?
If the tick hasn't started to dig into the flesh, brush it off the skin/If the tick has begun to bite: use tweezers to grasp the tick by the head as close to the person's skin, pull upward without twisting. If the tick is removed wash the area with clean water/ For infection or rash seek medical attention/ Save the tick in a sealable bag and bring it medical appointment for Lyme disease testing.