What is the most popular spin off?
What is Pokemon Go?
What is a type that is super effective against poison?
what is Psychic, Ground.
Who's That pokemon?
Who is Mewtwo?
Who's that trainer?
Who is Red?
Who is the Pokémon god?
Who is Arceus?
What was the first trading card prefix?
What Type has the most weaknesses?
What is Grass?
Who's That Pokemon?
Who's that trainer?
Who is Iris?
What's a Pokémon that kidnaps children?
Who is the Drifloom line, litwick, hypno?
name a pokemon that was a DLC character in POKKEN TOURNAMENT DX
What is Aegislash, Blastoise?
What is a type that is NEUTRAL effective on steel?
What is
Dark, Ghost, Water, Electric
Who's that pokemon?
Who is Farfetch'd?
Who's that trainer?
Who is Steven?
What Pokémon cannot be harmed by any attack?
Who is Tyranitar?
what is Legends Arceus?
What is the most common type combination?
What is Normal/Flying
Who's That Pokémon?
Who's that trainer!?!?!?!?
What is a pokemon that can fuse with another?
Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom
Necrozoma, Solgaleo, Lunala
Calyrex, Glastrier, Spectrier
Slowpoke, shelder
What was the first pokemon spin off to feature mega evolution? (card game excluded)
what is Pokémon Shuffle?
How Many Resistances does a rock/fairy Pokémon have?
What is Five?
(Normal, Fire, Flying, Bug, Dark)
Who's that Pokémon?
Yo, Who is bro?
Who is JUAN?
Why do people believe lugia should be water type?
It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.