Who is your rival for the Generations
Who is Danielle
Who is the current Pokefind Staff Manager as of Jan 8th, 2025
Who is Naz
What are the two most common Pokemon tiers that are used for tourneys?
What is Norms and Ubers
this thing is a Pokefind exclusive, capable of giving you skinned mons and legendarys, is considered a form of “Gambling”
What is pokemon eggs
What is QB’s nickname that Frolossus gave him?
In every Generation, there is an Eevee Quest, which when completed, gives you an eevee. This Generation However gives you the best chance to get a shiny eevee, which generation is that?
What is Gen 1
Who are the 3 Senior Mods of Pokefind as of Jan 8th, 2025?
What Tourney Manager was Caught Irl Trading and was removed and Banned?
Who is Phil
These pokemons are a play on the alolan/galarian pokemon and are heavily used in the Uber tier of Pokefind.
What is anniversary pokemon?
What is NoVa_Delirium’s Government First name?
Who is Hunter
What is the name of the 2nd Gym leader in Gen 5?
Who is Norris
Why is there no bedrock players that have the staff rank of Mod?
What is because they can not access certain Mod commands that are useful
Name 1 member of the current Tourney committee as of Jan 8, 2025
Who is Grand, Lava, Stick, Daka, Shurm
Pokefind has Two Generations that currently do not have one of these making it unique compared to most story based pokemon games
What is a Main Quest
Name every single member of Pokefind Gang. (If you miss one person and the person next gets it, they get all the points)
Who is Horenjii, BlueViper, ADK, Omega, Kate, Cosmo, Nova, Qb, Frolo, Ai, Andrew, Dank
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Question 1/2: In the generation 3 legendary quest, you have to go to the museum and help them out with the Regis. In that museum there are three groups of pokemon, what are the groups names? 2nd question, Name 1 pokemon in every group
1st answer: Legendary, Fossil, Water
2nd answer: (LEGGIE): Arc, celebi, Mana, phione, Dexoys, Jirachi, Shaymin, Darkrai. (Water): Finneon, Milo, Horsea, Shelder, Seaking, Gorebyss, Krabby, Octillery, Magikarp. (Fossil): Sheildgon, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aero, Cradilly, Omyate, Armaldo, Armaldo’s pre evolution
Who is ADK’s Mentor
Who is Terrier
Who was “allegedly” paid 300 dollars to carry a person to a tourney win in a duo tourney?
Who is yaqub
These pokemon have Alternate forms not yet added to pokefind, but against almost everywhere else
What is Landorus, thundurus, tornadus
How did Omega and Nova become friends?
What is Met because they where randomly put on a team together in a Duo Norms tourney
In Gen 4, a certain pokemon was in a floating dimension and you have to parkour and battle it. What was the name of that pokemon?
Who is Giratina
Who is the former Staff Member that complains about staff?
Who is peck
Who is the current All star champions in Norms and Ubers? (Can get this if you guess at least 1 correctly)
Who is Perfect or Claw
This pokemon move when used incorrectly, can crash your battle. (Everyone gets two chances to answer, one before and after the hint)
What is Volt switch, U-Turn
Name the Top 3 people in the Pokefind Gang with the best Luck in egg opening. (Have to be exactly and it’s in the opinion of Nova)
Who is Kate in First place, Omega in Second place, and Nova is third place