This item increases your shiny encounter rate.
Shiny Charm
Level 17
This card from Base set is banned for looking like Blackface.
This Pokemon is known for taking children's hands and bringing them to the afterlife.
This character in the anime has a fetish for Nurse Joy.
This shiny Pokemon resides in the Lake of Rage.
Oshawott's design features this iconic piece on it's stomach.
This card from Team Rocket was banned because the Pokemon featured appeared to be looking up a girl's skirt.
A scholar who saw this Pokemons true form was overwhelmed by terror and died.
This move makes a Pokemon of the opposite gender fall in love with the user's Pokemon.
This fraction is the original shiny chance for a Pokemon when shinies were introduced in Generation 2.
The Pokedex categorizes Oshawott as this.
(Hint: Pikachu is the electric mouse Pokemon. What is Oshawott?)
Sea Otter Pokemon
This trainer card from gym heroes was banned because the art looked like it was flipping the bird.
Sabrina's Gaze
Every ship to cross this Pokemons path sinks and vanishes.
This character rides a ferris wheel with the player that some say is like a date.
In the Pokemon anime, protagonist Ash Ketchum caught this Pocket Monster which turned out to be his first shiny.
Oshawott is this height.
This trainer card from gym challenge was banned due to a character appearing nude on the card.
Misty's Tears (or Misty)
This mega evolved Pokemon attaches itself to its opponent to explode when it knows its going to lose.
Mega Metagross
This method of shiny hunting involves breeding Pokemon from different regions in the world.
Masuda Method
Oshawott has this many freckles on its cheeks.
This supporter card from neo genesis features Sentret having a nice drink.
Moo-Moo Milk
Your nightmares will become reality if you get too close to the mist from this Pokemon's body.
At the end of the XYZ anime, Ash receives an implied kiss from this Pokegirl.