What three types are the starters
Fire, Water, and Grass
How many types are there
What generation is pokemon black/white
Gen 5
How does the starter weakness and strength triangle work
Fire beats Grass, Grass beats Water, Water beats Fire
What is the first gym in pokemon sword/shield
Grass gym
What are the three starters from Pokemon sword/sheild
Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey
What type is Gardevoir
Psychic and Fairy
In what generation is Zacian and Zamazenta the legendaries
Gen 8
What is steel weak to
Fire, Fighting, and Flying
What is the first gym is pokemon emerald/ruby/sapphire
Rock gym
What is the grass starter from pokemon emerald
What type is mew
What generation has three end-game legendaries
Gen 3
Why is bug weak to rock
rocks can crush bugs
How many gyms are in Pokemon scarlet/violet
What starter is based off of a penguin
What type was introduced in pokemon scarlet/violet
What generation is Quaxly the water starter
Gen 9
Why is psychic weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug
These are the most common fears
What gym has double battles in Pokemon scarlet/violet
Ghost gym
How many starters are there
What four types were NOT introduced it the first generation
Dark, Steel, Fairy, and Stellar
What generation did Eevee get more eeveelutions
Gen 2
What Types have the least weaknesses
Normal and Electric
What two gyms change in pokemon sword/shield
Ghost and Ice/Fighting and Rock