The number of Falinks that make up a Falinks
The name of the sweet that gives Alcremie heart accessories
Love Sweet
What Pokemon city is this
Lumiose City
What generation does this badge come from
Gen 5
What title does this champ ribbon give your Pokemon
[NAME] the Alola Champion
Ogerpons typing when holding the Wellspring Mask
How many different Swirls/Creams are obtainable in SW/SH
What region is this Pokecentre located
Which gym leader gives you this badge
What title does this ribbon give your Pokemon
[NAME] the Great Friend
Tandemaus is referred to in the Pokedex as the ____ Pokemon
The only route Milcery appears on
Route 4
What city is this
Anistar City
Which gym leader gives you this badge
Which region does this champ ribbon belong to
Which Pokemon is this dex entry referring to
"Watch your step when wandering areas oceans once covered. What looks like a stone could be this Pokémon, and it will curse you if you kick it."
Galarian Corsola
The gender ratio of Alcremie
100% Female
The town in which this mural is located
Route 6
After defeating which two Pokemon are you then rewarded with this badge
Tatsugiri and Dondozo
This ribbon is awarded in which category
The two abilities a Cetoddle can have
Thick Fat and Snow Cloak
In order to get Rainbow From Alcremie, this time of day is preferable
Dusk , 7pm
What is the name of this Pokemon map
Theia Sky Ruins
In which city do you acquire this badge
Sunyshore City
The Gorgeous Royal Ribbon can be bought for how much from the Resort Area
Nine-Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine