This move belongs to zekrom
bolt strike
Ho-oh created this legendary trio.
This move allows slow pokemon to move first
Trick room
Fire monkey in gen 4
Increases the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when held by Dialga.
Adamant orb
The heavier the user is, the more damage this move does
Heavy slam
Its fitting that the generation with weather wars featured this trio.
This evolution line has no weakness
This pokemon haunts over lavender town. Fittingly it has a regional form which is ghost type
Marowak on the head
This item doubles the prize money if held.
Amulet coin
It gives speed boost like agility but it also decrease your weight.
In order to get regirock,regice and steel, what two pokemon do you need to unlock them?
relicanth and whale
This is the most common type in gen 1.
This trio of pokemon represents emotion, knowledge and willpower
Uxie,mesrit, azelf
This item increases the power of binding moves when held.
This move punishes opponents for setting up.
Burning Jealousy
This legendary Pokémon is the only member of its group without a paradox counterpart.
This terrifying pokemon drags smaller Pokémon into its sandy body. Once its victims are trapped, it drains them of their vitality whenever it pleases.
This dragon type pokemon got better when it got the move dragon dance in gen 7.
A very light stone. It reduces the weight of a Pokémon when held.
Float stone
This move was introduced in gen 8. It does not have perfect accuracy, however all other moves of its type have a 100% accuracy.
Many people thought this Pokémon was a legendary due to its pokedex entry but turns out it is not a legendary.
This non-status move has an effect that can be cured by mental herb.
Psychic Noise
This Pokémon was banned when it received speed boost. It wasn't unbanned until gen 8
An item to be held by a Pokémon. This item protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target.
protective pads