They are the three Team Rocket members present in nearly every episode during Ash’s Adventures.
Who are Jesse, James, and Meowth?
This Pokemon Movie has Entei as the main antagonist.
This person was the leader of Team Rocket during the Kanto Games.
This generation introduced the Steel type.
What is Generation 2?
These are the Kanto starter Pokemon.
What are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle?
Pinkan Island is famous for being home to Pokemon of this color.
What is Pink?
In Pokemon Destiny Deoxys, this Pokemon has a territorial dispute with Deoxys.
What is Rayquaza?
These Pokemon come from alternate timelines.
What are Paradox Pokemon?
This type has one weakness and one immunity.
What is the Normal type?
In addition to being at least level 30, Inkay requires this to evolve.
What is turning the console upside down?
This species was Ash’s first shiny Pokemon.
What is Noctowl?
This titular Pokemon is called “Prince of the Sea”.
What is Manaphy?
This person raised N to be king of Team Plasma.
Who is Ghetsis?
This type resists Fairy, but is not super effective against it.
What is Fire type?
This Pokemon is the only Water and Steel type Pokemon.
What is Empoleon?
The name of Richie’s Pikachu.
Who is Sparky?
In Jirachi Wishmaker, Ash and the gang face off against Butler, a member of this villainous Team.
What is Team Magma?
After Alder and the B/W protagonist, this person became champion of the Unova region.
Who is Iris?
This item allows a Pokemon to execute a charge-based move on the same turn.
What is a Power Herb?
This is the only Pokemon that evolves at level 64.
What is Hydreigon?
Ash was originally going to choose this Pokemon as his starter in Episode 1.
What is Squirtle?
In Genesect and the Legend Awakened, the small Genesect has this drive.
What is the Douse Drive?
Zinnia is from this tribe of people who worship Rayquaza.
Who are the Draconids?
This signature move hits all targets on the field and knocks them out of the sky.
What is Thousand Arrows?
This Pokemon has a National Dex number of 666.
What is Vivillon?