What is Generation 5?
This is based off a Pokemons speed in gen 1
What is a critical hit?
This pokemon is still rumored to sit under the truck by the S.S Anne to this very day.
What is mew?
This is the starting town in generation 2.
Where is New Bark Town?
Who is Cynthia?
What does sandstorm do to a rock type?
What is Furret?
You can find Cynthia here in the Pokemon black and white postgame.
Who is Red?
Voltage badge
What is Generation 6?
This is your odds of missing an 100% accurate move in generation 1.
What is 1/256?
This pokemon is often referred to as "the most compatible" for humans.
What is vaporeon?
You fight many members of team aqua/magma in this cave.
Where is meteor falls?
Who is Wallace?
Volt switch
What is Generation 5?
In generation 4 this attacking move can go through wonder guard even when the pokemon is not weak to it.
What is fire fang?
This town is famous for its upbeat and positive song.
What is Driftveil City?
This town is home to Wulfric in generation 6.
Where is Snowbelle City?
Who is Olympia?
These generations have a dragon type gym leader.
What is Generations 2,5,8
This bug in generation 4 can allow you to have multiple weather conditions at the same time.
What is acid rain?(Fun fact castform with this softlocks the game)
This pokemon is used in a guess that pokemon from the anime. This pokemon however is seen from above.
What is Jigglypuff?
This town is home to a famous train station and that alone.
Where is Anville town?
Who is Emmet?